small and heavy wind. found some in ventura.


Everytime I read one of your posts it’s self promoting. Why don’t you just run an ad on Sways? Were all on here to share ideas not promote our business. I listened to you at the Surfboard show and same thing. Do us all a favor run and add and let us use Swaylocks to share concepts, ideas etc. Please!!!

Where was the self promotion on that one? All I saw mentioned was Walker.

A sad day, When the Clark thing went down I had someone call me at the factory and wanted to put up heaps of money to ramp production up to cover the hole that Clark was going to leave. I told the guy no and he could not believe that I turned him down. I had a feeling that it was the wrong thing to do and Walker closing has back my thinking. I did come over to help Scott at Justfoam for a few days and now it looks like that was the correct thing to do. After his fire he's back on track making good foam, Good luck to you all for the newyear


Glad you had the sense not to go down that track. There are/were plenty of other blank suppliers to fill the gap. Was the guy expecting to get rich quick?


I have only been into PU foam for 8 years, 4 of those years at my own company, so at the time when Clark went everyone was concerned that any new foam company would have major problems and not backup their foam and its still the same today, as in the past there have been some real bad foam around, Over the last 6 months I have been selling more foam to local shapers and once shapers try my foam they get a surprise how nice it is to shape, easy for the machine to cut as we have blanks for hand shapes and machine shapes. So we are looking forward a great year. One day soon I will get someone in NZ to deal my foam there. Peter

Hey Peter, you are the Peter who’s giving me that hybrid blank to try, with the medium rocker, mate looking forward to getting back to work, been looking after the kids, the weather is mad and we are all going stir crazy, threats and bribes, funny right now they want carrot, done, see you soon, J.H.

hey harry

good to see guys like yourself trying petes foam

i could say a lot about the other f##n lot but i beter not

at least petes human

have a good year


Green Valley is now closed also, supposedly they might of sold the business.