Want to get into shaping, don't know where to start!

Hi, I’m 25 and from the U.K, i’ve been surfing for a long time and really want to start shaping my own boards. The problem is I don’t really know where to start! Does anyone have any advice, or know where I could go to get the best info? Thanks, Best Regards Mike

start with JC’s ‘Shaping 101’ video, it’ll give you a clue of whats involved and what tools you’ll need. good luck

I m a newbie too. 2 months ago, I started to plan my first board building. I took the measurement from my old board and by using cad to adjust the board layout. Got the template and start to shape with a hot wire cutter.>>> start with JC’s ‘Shaping 101’ video, it’ll give you a clue of whats > involved and what tools you’ll need. good luck

I m a newbie too. 2 months ago, I started to plan my first board building. > I took the measurement from my old board and by using cad to adjust the > board layout. Got the template and start to shape with a hot wire cutter. I am taking a different approach than the 2 previous replies. I have had an interest in learning to shape atleast half of my life(24 yrs old now). Something always stopped me, I think it may have been a fear of not being able to do it or just a lack of resources. That is when I came in to contact with someone who has become a great influence and inspiration, his name is Clay Bennet. I came to him with a desire to learn and a willingness to be taught in exchange for help around his factory. I decided and it was recommended to me that instead of going out and spending a small fortune on supplies, hardware, and materials. That I would start from the ground up slowly. Learning the art of surfboard building from start to finish. In the last 2 months of helping out around the factory I have learned more about surboard design and construction than I have learned in my last 12 years of Surfing. If you have some extra time you could spare I would recommend getting in contact with a board builder in your area and suggesting a similar setup, labor in exchange for education. I know this option is not always available and probably not the best for everyone, but it has been very beneficial to me. Good luck! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you’ve always imagined.” -Thoreau Patrick

Mike, The archive is a great place to look for basic information. I searched for “tools list” and came up with the link below. Good luck. Keep asking questions… Mike http://www.swaylocks.com/discussion/archive/index.cgi?review=4693

Mike,>>> The archive is a great place to look for basic information. I searched for > “tools list” and came up with the link below.>>> Good luck. Keep asking questions…>>> Mike Thanks for all the great advice. have got lots to be going on with…and, of course, lots and lots to read! Best Regards Mike