Thanks Lockedin - I have the board back together, still needs to be glassed, but no pics since my camera broke. I just ordered one from Amazon, so I'll get pics up when it arrives =).
I glued the two halves back together with epoxy resin. Clamped the two pieces down in place, but didn't mask it off well enough before I poured my resin,and it seeped out and ran over everything and made a mess - yuck! Bit stuck together anyway, even 'tho it was a weak joint. So then I cut out a 12" section of rail on each side, and replaced it with redwood, epoxy-glued in place, then shaped the redwood to blend in. It was still a weak joint, and you could tell when handling the board.
To beef up and stiffen the repair, I cut a "stringer" slot out of the middle, about 3' long, 3/4" wide, and slid a piece of 3/4" cedar in, and epoxied it in place with 5 min. epoxy glue.
Then I cut a diamond shape out of the composite deck surface, the length of the new "stringer" (3'), and epoxied some thin redwood and cedar planks down, then blended them in once the glue dried. On the bottom, I just filled the glued repair area with bondo, sanded it, and painted it white to match.
I'm sure I've added a few lbs. to the board, but I'm not too worried about it, it still feels good.
So much easier to show with pics than to describe, but without a camera, I feel like an Italian trying to talk without his hands LOL!
Time to order my glass and resin from Tuck over at Wood Surfboard Supply!