Was he such a good shaper?

Since I woke up this morning, all I have heard about on radio or TV or in the street or… was just: Michael Jackson’s death.


Was he such a good shaper?

Hahaa. That's funny Balsa. Explains the shaping dust mask and the glove on the laminating hand.

MJ, Great footwork and balance, imagine if hed been a longboarder doing all that drop knee cross-stepping, he coulda moonwalked up and down the board.

Now theres a new manouver for this weekends comp..

he sure did shape the music industry when he was doing his thing.

SImilarly like  design culture in the 80s (and before) when shapers all moved to their own beat, looked to innovate and had star shapers, the music industry back in the 80's used to have a set TOP 40 with mainstream appeal but both industries are fragmented now with no true leaders.

 Whos the best shaper or musician these days?

 Who leads the way MJ or Rusty did ?

Is it indie, rock or rap?

Is it shortboards, SUPS or alaias ?




Since I woke up this morning, all I have heard about on radio or TV or in the street or... was just: Michael Jackson's death.


Was he such a good shaper?


I dont know about Mick himself but the shaper he used for his face wants necking!

Lumps and bumps everywhere. there is no way that thing was what he asked for.

I was waiting for somebody else to start this!!!

Farah Fawcet died and went to heaven...  God said you have had such a good life, I'll grant you one wish...  Farah said, "God, can you make the world a safer place for all the children?...  God killed Michael Jackson...


at long last

may his rest be long and sweet

and when he reincarnates

perhaps he can fullfill

his shaping requirements.

and st peter said

as he pointed to the sign

on the pearly gates

''cant you read? ''

surfing only on personally

''hand maaadde boards''

michael dropped his pop-out

in the ppile with all the rest

just outside heaven...

and walked in

looking forward to

an eternity of body surfing

continually shaping his spiritual body

to trim through the most facinating of

celestial waves of light and sound............

Really liked that one Ambrose

What does this have to do with shaping and design?  Go somewhere else with it!


Yeah, you’re right, I’m sorry. I was just trying to be funny.

I thought it was a funny take on the mask and glove.    Sad end to flawed person, with talent almost beyond measure.   I didn't like him, but liked alot of his music.    I still can't get my eyes around his moonwalk!    It baffles me.

Balsa, T, and da rest of us surfin' bumz......

Yeah, sometimes we don't stick to 'the rules' and keep it all about shape and design, but as it has been said "all work and no play makes for a dull boy".

Ironically, Neverland is in my neighborhood. I never got a free ride there however. Maybe it can be used to some good in th future. I guess this is another example of too much money and/or too much success makes people inncreasingly weird. Th brilliant part was the music, the videos, and frequently his message.

Like him or not, I don't think it is a stretch to say he had a unique childhood and many external pressures and events that a neurotic society molded him into what he ultimately became. Loved by many, loathed by some, preyed upon, played upon... but he remained immovable to what he believed to be his personal truth.

Weak people are far less interesting to know.

But since I've dropped into behind a most impeccable Ambrose wake, I want to pull in tighter for a second more and ride the high line.

There are "shapers" among us that we never really think about nor give credit to. Sometimes they hide in a mundane existence but are more important than we realize:

Have you ever gotten a shitty haircut?


Gotten into a fender bender and was delighted that the body work guy made it look like new?


Had to go to the dentist for some serious work and fillings?

Shaper...................and ding repair.

You get the picture.

Okay, so now we're back to shaping in keeping with the rules...............?


Excellent post Deadshaper.


Sad end to flawed person, with talent almost beyond measure.   I didn't like him, but liked alot of his music.    I still can't get my eyes around his moonwalk!    It baffles me.



There's much more to life than all we strive for and accomplish, our passions obsessions.  The underlying point of balsa's humor. These things that get us stoked are fleeting and the end of a man has no use for them. We are blessed to be able to enjoy them now but not if we don't find satisfaction in the important things about life. For all the joy he created it seems he could not find peace in himself. Would have been cool to see a change life... maybe he's doing better hereafter?


So...Bill has that been something you've been working on?.....$20. for the first post with a video moonwalking out to the nose.

Boy times change. I remember growing up on the beaches of Santa Barbara, and as a little gremmie, hearing my big brother and everyone scoff at so and so “shuffling” to the nose. Shuffling was looked down upon…big time no no!

Then one day I saw this guy who had this quick scooting type of shuffle up to the nose and I have to say, I was really impressed. I had never seen anyone do it like that before. So whoever this guy was out at College Point, he was the early day version of the Moonwalk.

Go figure.

As far as the MJ thing. We are now being invaded by worldwide media and fans that have received word that the MJ entourage is bringing his body to his once beloved “Neverland Ranch” just a stone’s throw down the road from us nearLos Olivos (I’m just outside of Solvang in the Santa Ynez Valley).

The hotels are all full, the traffic in tiny Los Olivos has muliplied tenfold, soon a thousand-fold…as the promise of getting to view the body and take a tour at Neverland has people in a frenzy.  The Coney Island rides are gone from the ranch leaving bare concrete pads that supported them, the animals have migrated to friendlier climes, and the house and grounds have been maintained by the Maryland or Delaware company that bought the property.

Getting to the ranch will be a huge fiasco as the entrance is along Figueroa Mountain Road, a narrow one lane country road that in no way can sustain throngs of crazed fans that will park along it in any way they see fit while in their frenzy to see the spectacle.

My wife is adamant about me taking her, she says it will be like going to “Graceland”…a piece of history. This will entail parking several miles from the entrance and hiking thru the gate in 90 degree weather. That is unless they have a tram for all the obese fans that will surely be there. Just picture the parking lot at Disneyland at rush hour. People are already camped out waiting.

If I had my druthers, I’d avoid this duffer and lock myself in my shaping room with the A/C on high.

Help me Mr. Wizard!

Cross stepping back ..... kook move.   All back peddling should only be moonwalked .....

I'm cracking up imagining you hiding from the throngs of MJ fans outside his ranch. Solvang, huh? Do the ''Dukes of Ojai'' still roam the area in their '69 Dodge Charger? Maybe they can chase off the crowds by jumping a few cars or something.

(inside joke that maybe 3 or 4 people on here will get, but I couldn't resist)

It’s funny, most of these people probably hadn’t listened or bought any of his music in years. Now he’s gone, he’s back to being the best thing there ever was instead of “yeah, I remember thriller”. Even Google is asking if he’s more profitable in death. Didn’t want to know you while you were alive, now you’re gone I’m your biggest fan…