I just finished shaping a 6’8’’ egg out of #1 EPS and spackled it. I used lightweight spackle and added some water so it would run. It seems that the blank has soaked up lots of the water and it is dripping through to the other side! Did I put too much water in the spackle or is this normal?
Let it dry out for a while. It might take a couple days. next time you use spackle (if you even do), make sure it is at “birthday cake frosting” consistency. just dont taste it, its not as sweet as frosting. also, let the spackle dry before sanding, if its not 100% dry, then it will gum up your sand paper and you will have to redo the spackle. I’d suggest on your next one to use microbaloons and epoxy mix (slurry consistency).
Geez, how much water did you put in. You want the stuff to be the consistancy of mayonaise. That way it sits on the surface and DOESN"T soak in. A thin coat of F&F will allow resin to penetrate through to the foam without the laminate draining. That is the goal.
Yeah, I probably added way too much water. The good news is it all dryed up today and I think the EPS may have actually gotten harder because it has spackling all the way through the foam!
All I have to do now is glass it, I tried to order some RR epoxy but the guy said I couldn’t pay with credit card over the phone and had to use Paypal. I set up a Paypal account but I don’t really know how to use it. How are you supposed to order the stuff?
Paypal is pretty simple… just add a CC and a bank account and you can send funds to poeple email addys. The guy on the phone is the guy that posted before you, who owns it… lol. Look on his website it gives you an email addy to send paypal payments to.
If you want to pay through Paypal all you do is go to the websie, www.resinresearch.net figure what you want and the price from the posted price list. Then paypal that amount to our paypal account which is gl10@aol.com. Write on the paypal payment what you’d like. When we recieve the paypal email notification we’ll ship. Simple as that.