RX for the Spazzing boardmaking dreamer…
Get away from the computer and get some cold/warm wave water up your nose… It’ll definitely clear your head out and make it all feel better.
Just finished spending this holiday weekend surfing with friends and family in good 1-3’ wrap from the 15-25 killers pounding the northshore…
Got to finally share the water with Foamdust who got some good ones and yesterday was killer with Craig Sugihara (T&C), Surfco’s Dave S., Pinoi Makalena, Dave B, and a whole list of others we haven’t seen in ages come out and bless the line up with their presence and “talk story”… Good to see the “old man” Craig still tearing it up on his new 5-fin Griffin. I had an interesting discussion with Dave S about the ASR tradeshows, he said he was getting tired and conserned that the shows were getting packed with an onslaught of chinese buyers you don’t even speak english… Every year there are more and more “non-english” speaking buyers who are basically just trying to get their foot in the “reatiling” side of the business…
But as Foamdust will verify it’s a mellow lineup in Oneula and although Keith and Honolulu never got to see it we do get our share of fun waves here on the southwest coast in the middle of winter.
I even got to put some good time on Solosurfer’s navy blue 6’8" Cheyne Horan relica shaped by Ricky Carroll, Hull nose and big 18-19’ flat bottom wide-a** tail and Lexan keel fin…
Bottom line Noel…
the board cranks it just needed a steeper face and more juice in the wave but you would never know by looking at it’s piggish profile that it would be as loose and positive in some very critical positions in the wave face. 180 snap backs in the curve of the hook with a 18" tail? Try that with your mini tank or long board…
And congrats on the new keiki Noel… Good things always happens to good people…
Wave water up your nose is such a great head cleaner and rejuvinator I recommend it to all before the new year…
Right Chippy?
Lets start off 2006 fresh and with alot of vigor…
Can’t wait to see what everyone has in the cue…
I’m actually thinking a hollow woodie as my next project.
Robbo and those guys in Maine has me inspired…
But props to Paul and Roy who brought it all here…