Just wondering if anybody can give some insight on the history of the company that made this board.
My g/f picked it up at a flea market in central PA for 75$
The name on it is ‘wavelite’ and it appears to be an early 70’s transitional board. Its about 7’4"… and very thick!
Let me rephrase that…
A clear photo of the fin BOX, which is a good way to assess the age of many transition era boards.
Your photo doesn’t help much. But, it looks very much like a 2nd generation Fins Unlimited system.
logo and bottom.
the fin is missing… she is having one made.
Looks more like late 60s. Real late. More photos would help. Logo and fin, especially.
the board is in the shop… there might be a clearer pic on the other camera though.
do you think a fin for it would be findable? we were told that the best bet is to have a custom one made…
the board is in the shop... there might be a clearer pic on the other camera though.
do you think a fin for it would be findable? we were told that the best bet is to have a custom one made...
Check with Fins Unlimited, that looks like their earlier white cycolac plastic box. I think they still may have some of the fins for it.
Looks like the so-called “Vari-set” box. The first adjustable fin system from FU.