Wax on - Wax Off

Hey Swaylocks, A friend of mine just found a board in the backyard of his newly purchased house and has graciously given it to me. It’s seems to be in pretty good shape even though it has obviously been sitting un-used for quite some time. You see, even though it was in a protective bag it was still out in the hot, hot, hot sun and the wax on the board had melted and re-hardned a number of times leaving a sticky, yellow/brown nasty mess on both the top and bottom of the board and all over the inside of the bag. So I’m wondering if there is an easier way to remove all of that wax other then the way I was originally told – which was to comb/scrape as much off as possible and then use acetone to get the rest. Anyone have any suggestions? My searches through the archives have come up with nada. While I’m posting I’d also like to tell you all just how invaluable the Swaylock’s community has been for me. You guys ROCK! NEVER stop!

You can also do the following: Scrape off as much as you can with a wax comb (or whatever), then place the board in the sun and let it heat up a little. Then take some foam dust or if you don’t have any of that use regular white cooking flower and simply rub the flower or foam dust on the surface of the board. The sun has heated the thin film layer of wax and the flower or dust will abosorb/bond with this film. You will feel it kind of gather/clot in your hand as you rub around. I just use a couple handfuls of dust and it works great. Repeat the process if there is a lot of wax. There are also products like the pickle and chief firewater that will remove the film as well. I like the dust method because you don’t have to use any chemicals and it’s cheaper. If the sun is not out, you can also use a hair dryer. Just be careful not to overheat the board. You can use the same method on the bag if you can flip it inside out. Just flip it inside out & use the flower dust method on the inside of the bag, then wash it off, let it dry, then flip it rightside in and you are ready to roll. A FREE BOARD IS A VERY GOOD BOARD. If for some reason you don’t like it pass it on. Some grom would be totally stoaked to get a free ride,even if you think it’s a beater. Spread the joy.

Love that fish of yours too. Nice job!

Hey Swaylocks,>>> A friend of mine just found a board in the backyard of his newly purchased > house and has graciously given it to me. It’s seems to be in pretty good > shape even though it has obviously been sitting un-used for quite some > time. You see, even though it was in a protective bag it was still out in > the hot, hot, hot sun and the wax on the board had melted and re-hardned a > number of times leaving a sticky, yellow/brown nasty mess on both the top > and bottom of the board and all over the inside of the bag. So I’m > wondering if there is an easier way to remove all of that wax other then > the way I was originally told – which was to comb/scrape as much off as > possible and then use acetone to get the rest. Anyone have any > suggestions? My searches through the archives have come up with nada.>>> While I’m posting I’d also like to tell you all just how invaluable the > Swaylock’s community has been for me. You guys ROCK! NEVER stop! On a sunny day, cover the board with some black trash bags and let the sun do its stuff. Generally, within a couple of hours or so, almost all of the wax will melt off leaving only a very thin coating. Finish the job with foam dust or rags and a citrus based solvent (unlike acetone, it won’t attack the resin!).

I have used regular old paint thinner, or Mineral Spirits with great success.

S.F…the comb/scrape acetone method is the best. Mike D.'s method fab, also. BUT…If you’re not overly concerned about the finish of your board and want to get the old wax off fast…(especially if you are at a loss for any of the “supplies” you might need)…in the same vein as the sawdust method…Leave the board in the sun to heat up and throw SAND (while you’re at the beach!) over the board and wipe off! I can hear some guys cringing right now, but believe me it works well. Back home in Hawaii…north side…you’d probably rip gouges in your board with the stray chunks of bust up coral…but - here - in the northeast (where I am , now)…the sand is like salt or sugar granule fine! No damage using this method. half hour…a little “elbow grease”, you’re “bareback” once again!

S.F…the comb/scrape acetone method is the best. Mike D.'s method fab, > also. BUT…If you’re not overly concerned about the finish of your board > and want to get the old wax off fast…(especially if you are at a loss > for any of the “supplies” you might need)…in the same vein as > the sawdust method…Leave the board in the sun to heat up and throw SAND > (while you’re at the beach!) over the board and wipe off! I can hear some > guys cringing right now, but believe me it works well. Back home in > Hawaii…north side…you’d probably rip gouges in your board with the > stray chunks of bust up coral…but - here - in the northeast (where I am > , now)…the sand is like salt or sugar granule fine! No damage using this > method. half hour…a little “elbow grease”, you’re > “bareback” once again! Charcoal lighter fluid works really good too

Hey Swaylocks,>>> A friend of mine just found a board in the backyard of his newly purchased > house and has graciously given it to me. It’s seems to be in pretty good > shape even though it has obviously been sitting un-used for quite some > time. You see, even though it was in a protective bag it was still out in > the hot, hot, hot sun and the wax on the board had melted and re-hardned a > number of times leaving a sticky, yellow/brown nasty mess on both the top > and bottom of the board and all over the inside of the bag. So I’m > wondering if there is an easier way to remove all of that wax other then > the way I was originally told – which was to comb/scrape as much off as > possible and then use acetone to get the rest. Anyone have any > suggestions? My searches through the archives have come up with nada. Acetone sucks for cleaning off wax. Maybe for the last teenyweeny bit, but not for getting any amounts off. If you can get hold of some ski/ snowboard cleaning solvent, it’s heaps better. Some of those cleaners are based on citrus oil, if you can get it it might be just as good. Smells nice too. Or just leave it in the sun for a while and rub the melting wax off. I use defunct credit/bonus/simcard to scrape my boards. Atleast they come to some use. regards, Håvard