Wayne Rich Modern Classic

Opinions regarding this board? Good all arounder? 1 ft. to 6 ft.?, etc…any information would be appreciated. thanks in advance…

I’ll jump in on this one, although it might be a little bias as I’ve ridden a lot of his boards and watched him shape a lot.

The modern classic is a fine all around board, combining modern rails and bottom, with traditional plan shapes. I’ve ridden mine well over 6’ w/o hesitation w/ no problems. In my opinion, many other boards show limitations in maneuverability and drive once the surf starts to get real. I believe in what I’ve seen him produce so strongly that I’ve bought them off the rack w/o hesitation, more than once, as to not wait for customs.

Modern Classic – Comp. – Speed Foil : Hi performance boards

60’s revisited (my name for the 60’s Classic) , Harmonic 67’, Wild Card Noserider : old school longboards


thanks for the reply. Yes Wayne makes some really nice boards, I have several friends riding them with no complaints, the biggest plus being the quality. I really like the wildcard and TR-1 boards, old school but handle really well. I heard he stopped making the TR-1 but has enough requests that maybe he’ll mow another batch? I started looking at other options because it seemed I would only be able to custom order the TR-1.

thanks again