Weber Ski- Guidance Fin? Trade for Wonderbolt Fin?

Hi Everyone- A friend gave me this 1969 Weber Ski. It is missing the original flex fin for the Guidance System. I searched the archives and I see that I can fabricate a replacement but before I do that I thought I would see if anyone here might have one they might want to sell or trade. I have a nice Yater spoon template wonderbolt fin (original plastic) that I could trade.

Hi Steiny,

I have an extra Guidance Fin I’m not using. It’s not real purty, somebody painted it, then drilled a hole in it for good measure. Maybe you could sand and polish it? Sorry, i misplaced my camera, so no pics. But PM me and I can let you see it in person. I’m open to all kinds of trades.


Oh, yeah, I even have three of the little clips that cover the channel.