West System Resin...

Hi there, Finally I find the West System epoxy resin in Hong Kong. I havent used it before. Do your guys have any input about it? What’s the best hardener of it for surfboard building? Thanks for your attention. Regards, Crabie

Finally I find the West System epoxy resin in Hong Kong. I havent used it > before. Do your guys have any input about it? What’s the best hardener of > it for surfboard building? Take a look at http://jfmill.home.attbi.com/dings/ding2.html#epoxy1 http://oneoceankayaks.com/Epoxtest.htm What I do know is that it’s the wastly used for boatbuilding. Very expensive and turn really yellow with time(The local boatshop had a disc of old cured resin laying there). regards, Håvard

Thanks Harvard, Mine is easily turning into yellow too… What I need is a UV secure and the price is more competitive. Mine cost me US$ 12 per kg. Regards, Crabie

Thanks Harvard,>>> Mine is easily turning into yellow too… What I need is a UV secure and > the price is more competitive. Mine cost me US$ 12 per kg. Pretty good price. The one I got was about $16 pr. kg. West would be a about $26 pr. kg(both in 6kg’ish quenatities.) Good luck, hope it works out for you. regards, Håvard

Too bad, West charge me at almost $26/kg. I m thinking to use West for the glossing layer.>>> Pretty good price. The one I got was about $16 pr. kg. West would be a > about $26 pr. kg(both in 6kg’ish quenatities.) Good luck, hope it works > out for you.>>> regards,>>> Håvard