Wetout table without vacuum?

Working on a 12’ EPS epoxy. Want to keep weight and resin usage down so I was considering doing my laminates on a big adjacent wet out table and then transferring (with a buddy) to the blank. I was not planning on vacuum bagging. Any thoughts on adhesion issues. The board is 1lb EPS. I am considering leaving it unsealed and trying the wet out appoach. Any experiences or thoughts on this?

I asked Bert the same question before. Here’s what he had to say…

" daklaw …

depends on what method you want to do …

if your doing a hand layup like a normal board , then a wet out table will only complicate things , make more mess and potential for mistakes …

just glass it like a normal board …

wet out tables are good for wetting out multiple layers , i will wet out up to 15 layers of glass in one hit , pour resin on gently spread it , let the resin soak in for a few minutes while i attend to another job , then come back and work it some more …

now you have all those layers wet , i will peel them up and take the layers to the board …

you only want just enough resin to wet the glass , so when you bag it , you dont have loads of excess to deal with …

dave , on a hand lay up 6-4 id use 300 grams and not spill any …

on a bagged 6-4 id use 180 but usually have 15 to 20 left and maybe another 20 gets sucked off the job , id estimate theres 150 left in the board …



Taken from the “what is a wetout table and how do I make one” thread.



Working on a 12' EPS epoxy. Want to keep weight and resin usage down .... The board is 1lb EPS. I am considering leaving it unsealed and trying the wet out appoach. Any experiences or thoughts on this?

1st step in keeping the weight down is sealing the board to minimize seepage into the blank. Sealing is easier than you think.

yet another sealing discussion in (I think) the eps price thread