What a great Website

I’ve only been visiting here for the past week or so but this place is sooo cool! (Check’s in the mail Swaylock!). I’ve been surfing all over California since I was 12 (1963), riding and building just about every kind of surf vehicle you can think of. From Velo-like kneeboards in Santa Cruz in the late 60’s to eggs and thrusters in San Diego in the 70’s and 80’s. I got caught up in the longboard revival in the 90’s but have been on 6’8 to 7’4" thrusters over the last several years (love those bottom turn G’s). I just ordered up a 7’4" Inbetweener from Liddle that I can’t wait to jump on… My main interest has been to experiment with flex in stand-up board design. Over the years, I’ve learned quite a bit about what does NOT work. Maybe I’ll pick up some clues here to help me cook up something that does work…I look forward to contributing to the forum and learning from all. Newbs

Hey Newbs, Pull up a chair.

Hey Newbs, Pull up a chair. And also check out the archives.I’ve only been around for short while and this site makes my day,these guys are great.

Hey Newbs, Pull up a chair. …Don’t forget to check the archives,resources,and board page.Lots here to go thru,Herb.

…Don’t forget to check the archives,resources,and board > page.Lots here to go thru,Herb. These guys absolutly right I’ve only been here a short time and what a wealth of info. These Guys are really cool and helpfull. Mark

These guys absolutly right I’ve only been here a short time and what a > wealth of info. These Guys are really cool and helpfull.>>> Mark To All This site is easily one of the best ones I’ve ever seen on the World Wide Web. I glad to be here. Thanks to everyone for all the opinions and information shared. Gone Surfin’ Rich