What determines fin size?

I have a few egg shapes (6’8-7’8)and would like to experiment more with my fins (especially flexis). When I search the archives and check out boards online, I’ve seen everything from 7" fins to 10" fins on boards with similar outlines and length. I suppose I’m setting myself up for a, “it’s how the rails, rocker, and bottom configuration work with each other” repsonse, but is there any simple way to determine the best fin size for a board? Should flexible fins be ridden longer than their rigid counterparts? Thanks!

I dont think there is a exact answer for that without havin the whole picture in mind. I would say put in a finbox so you can swithc it up. i have a 7’8 board ive been surfin on and as strange as it sounds on waves over 4 ft it rides best with a big ass 10" fin but on smaller waves it rides best with a lil 8incher, people probobly think im crazy but its just what works best with this board. i would say leave the options open and get a few sizes of fins. I know this dont answeryour Q but just my thoughts. Peace, John C

I’ve been working with The Dewey webber Team manager regarding fin combinations. He came to me after a trip to Hawaii where alot of guys riding long boards have gone with medium sized thruster fins for the side bites. Don has been getting bigger and bigger side fins from us and working with smaller trrailing fins. He says he loves the drive he’s been getting in over chest high waves. Try a box system and experiment for yourself.