What if Joel Tudor weighed 220+ lbs.like Jack (Longboard Widepoint, May 5.)Would he still be able to noseride as well? What tips do the readers have re. boards and technique for heavyweights to improve their noseriding skills. Some older longboarders are 250+lbs. and still keen.
What if Joel Tudor weighed 220+ lbs.like Jack (Longboard Widepoint, May > 5.)Would he still be able to noseride as well? What tips do the readers > have re. boards and technique for heavyweights to improve their noseriding > skills. Some older longboarders are 250+lbs. and still keen. >>>>Technique and positioning, including the proper trim attitude. On a good day I weigh 215lbs. and I can still tip ride. Suggestions include more length, width and thickness.Also, practice makes perfect. Good surfing, SK
I haven’t quite reached the 200+ mark yet (195lbs), but I’d like to offer my 2 cents worth anyways. Once I got good enough to start walking the board with some semblane of poise and balance, I started to work on my nose riding skills. I used to get out there on the nose and then at the first sign of impending doom, I’d back-pedal so fast I’d damn-near run off the tail of the board. Then one day, I just thought “What if I just stay out on the nose until I drive it underwater?” Without hitting the bottom of course! I’d do this once and awhile…take-off…get into trim…noseride…swim. Now if you pay attention to when you think you’re going under and when you actually do, they are very different! You can actually reset your pearling detector and allow yourself some extended tip-time! I’ve now been able to lengthen my noserides well beyond what I thought I was capable of. So I say, get out there on a sandy bottomed, longboard-type wave and ride it till it sinks. You’ll be surprised at how long you can actually ride it out! You’ll impress your friends, the women will adore you, and the money…okay…maybe you’ll just impress you and your firends! Long rides Dee
what size board do you ride?
what size board do you ride? Currently riding 9’4" x 23" x3" with 18" nose, 15" pintail, I am 5’7" x 195lbs. any more suggestions? I’ve ridden all types of boards since the '60’s am competant on the nose but wish to improve. Thanx Barge
i would go longer than 9’4". maybe 9’8"-10’