What is this PVC stringer material?

I hate to be dense, and with PU blanks once more available I may never use an EPS blank, but what is this PVC stringer material that some use, and where in Honolulu could I get a bit of it?

Check the archives. Search for “PVC stringer”. Theres over 120 references.

One example of the good stuff:


High density PVC foam. Hawaii Plastics/Plastics Hawaii, whatever, on Dillingham, just West of King.

Don’t know how long you’ve been registered and don’t care. All I know is you asked a question that I have a ready answer for. Thought that was the purpose of these forums. Why take the time to check when someone was registered and then post a condescending non-answer when in the same amount of time you could have given an answer off the top of you head, or moved on to another thread, instead of clogging up the forum with more dreck? Be helpful or lurk silently.

Right. Youre the man with a helpful ready answer? Even though I answered first? Whatever Poindexter

Norm…Norm Norm Norm…I’m disappointed. I do like your username though.

Dear Sir Wanksalot, or Norm, either know a supplier in Australia?

You Americans always get the good stuff first, we usually get it after the EPA ban.

Regards, Brett. surffoils@gmail.com


In Australia: “Rigid Foam PVC Board”, “Expanded PVC sheet”, “Forex”, etc.

These suppliers are located in, or near, Sydney:




Aloha Charlie!

PM me or give me a call

I have black, blue and white PVC sheets. I’ve only use PVC stringers on short boards. I have a shaped EPS/pvc short board not glassed yet.

These sheets is only available in 4’ x 8’ sheets. Pain in the a_s to work with.

Sintra is the only available form of PVC here in hawaii

correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t it poly-vinyl-carbonate…?

polyvinyl chloride.

The PVC material I bought is called Komatex. It comes in sheets of 4’x8’ and is 3mm or 6 mm thick. I think it generally comes in black or white. I got the black to have a more noticeable stringer. I believe it comes in 10’ lengths as well. There was a post a while back that said to use the 3mm thickness for boards under 8’ and 6mm for over 8’ (it might have been 7’). I don’t know where to get it in Honolulu, but I paid about $50 for my 3mm 4’x8’ black sheet and I got it from a plastics material supplier. Look in the yellow pages under “plastics”. I think it’s used for sign making, so it’s readily available and generally not something that has to be special ordered or anything (this is my assumption). By the way, it’s really easy to work with. It glues up easy and planes very nicely. I’d say better than wood stringers because it’s a constant consistency.

thanks Dale

Thanks Dale. Regards, Brett.



In Australia: “Rigid Foam PVC Board”, “Expanded PVC sheet”, “Forex”, etc.

These suppliers are located in, or near, Sydney:


