What to expect from this board?

I noticed there 2 kinds of ding repair kits and the poly. kits will melt the foam in an “epoxy” board so I guess I don’t understand the poly. vs epoxy thing.


Umm… no. this is a forum about the craft of surfboards! Why don’t you go spam somewhere else. Can’t believe this is being tolerated here. At the very least show some restraint and keep this stuff in your own thread you already started!! 

Of course you are right Bob.  But for some reason instead of ignoring this guy, several of the establishment types had a brainy go at a discussion with him.  Which only encouraged him to take further advantage.  If no one had acknowledged him in the beginning he would have gone away.  


I believe you are the leader here since it is your topic - The goal is to get you better more confident in your surfing with the existing surfboard - Knowing your break is part of that. Don’t be thrown off by others, by what they think in the water or outside of the water. Your break, how it breaks, what days are the best to go is part of that. It is an important part of this discussion - let the nearsighted keep refusing to wear the glasses. I will be adjusting your breaks profile - Just got off the phone with some near by surfshops. Enjoy your breaks - looks small today but waves are coming!

Lots of threads explaining it, but in short-

Polyester resin will melt (very quickly) EPS (Expanded PolyStyrene) foam. You can use only Epoxy resin on EPS foam.

Both Epoxy and Polyester resins can be used on Polyuerethane (PU) foam (which is what I would bet your board is shaped from).



I use the UV resin kits also - I have both kinds 1x for the Epoxy boards and 1x for the Poly boards

Got it. PU vs EPS (cooler foam). 

I guess some of us newbs generalize that a “poly” board = PU foam+Polyester resin and an “epoxy” board = EPS  foam + epoxy.resin  

Thanks for clarifying. 

Very good attitude. That is exactly what a beginner (or intermediate) should be doing: finding a peak to yourself to take as many waves, and paddle for them and stand-up, as much as possible. That is a problem for others if you’re not alone, and that is why it’s what you should be doing.

You will find that the character in you that makes that your default, now, will cause better surfers to give you waves when they see what kind of person you are, which will be evident in everything you do.

There will be dicks who will try to shut you out no matter how considerate you are, but the rules are the rules, and all the older surfers who surf well know them. If I see someone who is new and not good just making a visible effort to consider others – and it is obvious to any experienced surfer when a noob is considerate or just self-centered – I will give them waves, and not in a way where I want them to fail, and not only if it’s a wave I don’t want.

Good people recognize good intentions, even when you’re clueless (it takes years to not be clueless), and good intentions are apparent from day 1. Same is true of selfishness. To dicks’ credit and shame, they are the same to both.

He should be banned. What’s wrong with him can’t and won’t be fixed.

[edit: that was not a reply to #20. Everybody knows whom I mean.]

A 9’ foamie floats like a 11’+ normal board, so this 8’ board will feel awfully small. I’ve had an 8’ wavestorm ever since they first started making them. I even had the original Morey/Doyle softboard in the 70s. A lot of my friends who have many decades of experience use them on the smaller days instead of a longboard. I’ve seen more than a handful of guys rip it up on the wavestorm, and use them in well overhead surf.

If you need the bigger foamie board to get comfortable in the water, that new board may be too small. On the other hand, an 8’ board like that is a wonderful starter board. It’s not too short and not too long. I would start using that new board and force myself to learn on it. It will be hard at first, but since you’re beginning, you might as well start right. The longer you use the foamie, the harder it will be to transition down to the smaller board. From 8’, you can move up to 9’ longboards, or down to performance boards.

I personally use 8’ as my longboard length because I can turn it like a shortboard, but it paddles so much better.

I think I like that school of thought. Maybe l will give the 8’er a shot rather than mothballing it until I get better on the foamie.

The rocker does have me nervous about paddle speed (plowing) but I think I’ll give it a try and see if I’m man enough. lol

Maybe I should paint it 1st though. :wink:

Rocker is your friend, that rocker is fine. I wouldn’t bother with paint. If you are worried about the logo, get a big sticker and put it over the ronjon logo. Personally I’d just get it it the water and see if I can get used to it. It will be a world of difference from the foamie.

Not just thinking about kookdom on the paint.

It kinda looks like a big fish lure too. :slight_smile:

Actually Bob is right. This is pretty off topic.