What true kind of the differences are these?

Great thanking to you all in advance!!! Dos anyone know for the basic truth what the main real differences in total speed and all over performance among the waves on the finest PRONED DEVICES as such: the one wooden paipos, the foamed and fiberglassed belly boards, the flexy plastic bookie boards? I think much on this of lately, and it is perhaps much better to beat them than join them? Either that, or I try 12 more of the feet surfing board TO DOMINATE!! Some of the one webmasters and their customary posters have been oddly understanding in their peculiar (http://www.vagabondsurf.com/SfgGives.html) sense of regretful humor on this one subjects of PRONE DEVICES for the wave riding? Are there any of the TRUEST design thoughts? Friendly and respectful comments to please? Bonta

Bonta-when we were kids we rode surfmats,these thing were great and really fast if I remember correctly.these days I lean more toward the 12’0".Your wave.

Great thanking to you all in advance!!! Dos anyone know for the basic > truth what the main real differences in total speed and all over > performance among the waves on the finest PRONED DEVICES as such: the one > wooden paipos, the foamed and fiberglassed belly boards, the flexy plastic > bookie boards? I think much on this of lately, and it is perhaps much > better to beat them than join them? Either that, or I try 12 more of the > feet surfing board TO DOMINATE!!>>> Some of the one webmasters and their customary posters have been oddly > understanding in their peculiar > (http://www.vagabondsurf.com/SfgGives.html) sense of regretful humor on > this one subjects of PRONE DEVICES for the wave riding? Are there any of > the TRUEST design thoughts? Friendly and respectful comments to please?>>> Bonta Excuse me? You want to “beat them rather than join them”? BEAT THEM???

Tom Sterne, What have you to further say about the Northern Tribe of Neumatic??? What is that stuff? This is not the air filled mattresses?? My questions of here before were to the effect of the one paipos, flexy foam bookies and hardened fiberglass bellyboardsers, not the mattresses of inflated air! Odd, is this possible to ride waves upon? One questions seriously as to that nature, is better to be for laying upon in the tents (camping?) upon the earth than in the one ocean? Thanking to you in advance, Bonta

perhaps Bonta would find a trip to the north of great illuminating benefit. upon arrival, one should ask for an audience with the dale of solomon. his wave!>>> Tom Sterne,>>> What have you to further say about the Northern Tribe of Neumatic??? What > is that stuff? This is not the air filled mattresses?? My questions of > here before were to the effect of the one paipos, flexy foam bookies and > hardened fiberglass bellyboardsers, not the mattresses of inflated air! > Odd, is this possible to ride waves upon? One questions seriously as to > that nature, is better to be for laying upon in the tents (camping?) upon > the earth than in the one ocean?>>> Thanking to you in advance,>>> Bonta

why talk in riddles? surf mats are VERY fast and VERY fun and VERY advanced surf vehicles are they better than boogie boards? surfboards? paipos? surf skis? NO. they are different. def get one, def join them. but also join the eggers and longboarders and shortboards and whatever other surf tool that makes you smile the most

why talk in riddles? surf mats are VERY fast and VERY fun and VERY > advanced surf vehicles are they better than boogie boards? surfboards? > paipos? surf skis? NO. they are different. def get one, def join them. but > also join the eggers and longboarders and shortboards and whatever other > surf tool that makes you smile the most Whew! I finally feel comfortable enough to squeeze in here and speak my mind a little bit… become a lifelong student of the sea, and if you can, learn to play as many instruments in her orchestra as you are able. Amen, Riddler!! Dale

Whew! I finally feel comfortable enough to squeeze in here and speak my > mind a little bit… become a lifelong student of the sea, and if you can, > learn to play as many instruments in her orchestra as you are able. Amen, > Riddler!!>>> Dale Men of the Swaylocks, It is of somewhat confusion to me that the respectful discussion of proned upon designs has revolved into the one`s extra useage of vulgarish websites of the one shock value, peculiar riddles of the hiding answers, strange to the ear sounding “poems” and religiously orchestrated musical ideas??? It is to the unfortunate way that a foreign slang language you all must speak! Of the questioned design, I now consider to seriously to go with the feet of 12 surfing board for which to much better possess the water with THREE POINTED FIBERFINS!! LOW HARDISH SIDES!! SHARPISHLY KICKED TIPS!! THREE LENGTHWISE WOODEN REINFORCEMENTS!! This I now understand clearly from much the one Swaylocks surfing board design forum is the one PATHWAY TO DOMINATION!! Dropping in shortish boardsers? Going to the right or left bookies? NO, you go straight to sandbar of beach! Then it is that I say, MY WAVE!!! To be the one even more inspired, maybe I rather consider the feet of 15 surfing board, too? Yes, it is the end of all beachlike problems. A great thanking to you all for now! Bonta

Men of the Swaylocks,>>> It is of somewhat confusion to me that the respectful discussion of proned > upon designs has revolved into the one`s extra useage of vulgarish > websites of the one shock value, peculiar riddles of the hiding answers, > strange to the ear sounding “poems” and religiously orchestrated > musical ideas??? It is to the unfortunate way that a foreign slang > language you all must speak!>>> Of the questioned design, I now consider to seriously to go with the feet > of 12 surfing board for which to much better possess the water with THREE > POINTED FIBERFINS!! LOW HARDISH SIDES!! SHARPISHLY KICKED TIPS!! THREE > LENGTHWISE WOODEN REINFORCEMENTS!! This I now understand clearly from much > the one Swaylocks surfing board design forum is the one PATHWAY TO > DOMINATION!!>>> Dropping in shortish boardsers? Going to the right or left bookies? NO, > you go straight to sandbar of beach! Then it is that I say, MY WAVE!!! To > be the one even more inspired, maybe I rather consider the feet of 15 > surfing board, too? Yes, it is the end of all beachlike problems.>>> A great thanking to you all for now!>>> Bonta Fortunately we all don’t play in the same school yard or ride the same waves. Frankly I welcome input from the feminine side and don’t wish to be included with the broad generalization of “all you men at swaylock.” The great beauty of surfing is that there’s an ultimate amount of room for self expression in equipment and style in the water. I continue to work on my adequacy. Good Surfin’, Rich

Fortunately we all don’t play in the same school yard or ride the same > waves. Frankly I welcome input from the feminine side and don’t wish to be > included with the broad generalization of “all you men at > swaylock.” The great beauty of surfing is that there’s an ultimate > amount of room for self expression in equipment and style in the water. I > continue to work on my adequacy.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich This one extends much pardons to the one "Good Surfin,Rich" person, I did meant NOT to deflame any of the womens who are of the beach and waves, or of the Swaylocks.com surfing boards design forum. I not comprehend you were the one of the real womens with the feminine sides! This one (Bonta, myself) is ALL THE WAY for womens self-expression on the beach and waves, as is the one Swaylocks design shaper, "hav-in fun, Magic Man"!! GO!!!! To be mostly sure, in ones life, there are the real mens, the real womens and nowadays the real “persons”, as you? Questions of the most sexual delusions is not to be my problems! Just matter of privates. But, I myself work upon the one “adequacy” issues, too. I consider the feet of 12 or maybe even 15 surfing boards to be great end solution!!! No one offense taken. Bonta

Bonta, You should check out some of his stuff. He is way into huge boards. In the movie the seedling he talks about a time when the DUKE made a 16’ wood board and surfed with Tom Blake at outer Wai Ki Ki (I don’t know how to spell that) and they named the spot Papa Nui (big board). It has some footage of Skip Frye riding a 12’ or 13’ board, talk about trim. Do something huge. Maybe you’ll get a spot named after you. I can see it now PAPA NUI BONTA. It’s got a good ring to it.

Men of the Swaylocks,>>> Dropping in shortish boardsers? Going to the right or left bookies? NO, > you go straight to sandbar of beach! Then it is that I say, MY WAVE!!! To > be the one even more inspired, maybe I rather consider the feet of 15 > surfing board, too? Yes, it is the end of all beachlike problems.>>> A great thanking to you all for now!>>> Bonta Bonta, Those of us who sometimes suffer from pronation like the feeling of speed which comes from being so close to the wave face. The Hawaiian style paipo is fast but limited as far as length of ride; the paipo/bellyboard is fast and can ride a longer distance; the boogie/bodyboard is stagnant and, if design or materials mature at all, seems heading in the bellyboard direction; the mat seems to have more potential than any of the others previously mentioned. None of them impress spectators unless the ride ends with catastrophe. People who suffer willingly from this pronation tend to ride waves for the personal feeling… a good thing. As for 12-15 foot long surfboards, you wouldn’t even need to catch a wave to stand up. If you had the “right” surfwear on you could get a “cover shot” no problem! Nels

Bonta, I can honestly tell you that I’ve ridden ‘em all at one time or another. My take goes something like this: Paipos: Certifiably(sp) THE fastest…In maxed out, inside-out mega-walls that are gonna section until next week… The f-16 fighters! Fun in marginal conditions, but Modern Bodyboards are more realistic for less intense conditions. The downside is that they’ll cut you in half when you eat it. Usually made from 1/2" o 5/8" marine ply fiberglassed. Some with single or twin fins, but the “purists” will say none. Foam and fiberglass bellyboards: Similar to paipos but with easier paddling and glide once you’re up and planing. Almost a lost art to get one of these shaped anymore. You might talk to Ron Romonowsky if you decide this is the way to go. The last guy I recall that did much with these was a fella by the name of Rick Newcombe. Kneeboards: Ron Romonowsky has ridden & built ‘em for 30 years. Everything from sub-5’ quad fin roundpins to 5’ plus Flex spoons. They’re real fun, but seem to need a juicier wave to really turn on the power. Could be just the thing for some of those “How am I gonna beat THAT section?” days. Check out his website for more info. Modern bodyboards: Easy to ride, inexpensive compared to conventional surfboards, nearly indestructable… scaleable from 30 to 300 pound riders, ride Mavericks or beachbreak slop. Teach your girlfriend or be Hardcore… They’ll do it all. But the conventional guys will still drop in on you and call you names. The Australians seem to have continued this style of riding. Check out some of their websites… Ya never know what you’ll come up with. Or try to get in touch with Y (Tom Morey), if there’s a way to skin this cat, he might have another idea. God knows he’s had something to do with many that were developed from the 60’s until now! So there you have my input for what it’s worth. Let me know what you decide… Adios