Sorry, didn’t mean to be sarcastic, but I couldn’t resist.
long boards are long, short boards are short except when they are long.
Personal choice, personal preference, personal descision.
They all work.
Depends on the person, their mood on the day, the spot and what the spot is like that day.
For me its a mood thing.
What's better long boards or short
I’d have to say mid size. 7’4" Channel Bottom mini Gun + J-Bay perfection…
i’m not sure … are there any other choices ?
you need to give us more info and then go to the archives…
also a lot depends on which spreader or squeegee is used on 'em too…
what would cause a person to ask such a strange question.
It was a sarcastic remark. I think. Meant to be a play on questions people ask that don’t make much sense or should be looked up in the archives. I don’t think the joke really went over as planned though?..Benny got it though. I think…ha.
I like jokes as much as the next guy, but this is a surfboard design forum isn’t it?
Are we really meant to take surfboard questions seriously?
I joke in jest.
I like em all!!! especially mid range guns…I talked to Brad Basham about a gun blank and he said that was a realistic request…due to no one rides guns anymore since the tow craze…don’t try this w/ Brad unless you’ve got you time in w/ him…
depends on how tall you are…
but I like mine yellow…
got that one chippy…(or should I say donovan)
Someone ought to take this website out in the field and put it out of it’s misery.
she keeps telling me that it’s not the size that matters…but i dunno, man.