What's the Deal with a Skil 100

All right I have to ask, why are the Skil 100’s so sought after by shaper’s? I ahve seen a few sell in $1000 range. What I am really asking is a Skil 100 actually 10 times better than the rest of the current planers? Or is it just a status symbol that everybody wants the same planner as “THE IN SHAPER”?

All right I have to ask, why are the Skil 100’s so sought after by > shaper’s? I ahve seen a few sell in $1000 range. What I am really asking > is a Skil 100 actually 10 times better than the rest of the current > planers? Or is it just a status symbol that everybody wants the same > planner as “THE IN SHAPER”? …Chris your assumptions are right on target.I bought mine in 1974 for 160.00(long body cutdown…DOPE!,7amp)SKILL SHOULD RE-INTRO THEM.

It’s supply and demand. I’ve had the same one since 1967. My dad bought it for me at a hardware store in Newport beach for around 180.00 in a really cool carrying case. I tried the “new” Hitachi and didn’t like it. A lot of really good shapers like 'em though. I dont think the Skil is a status thing at all. I just think some guys like 'em better than the Hitachi and are willing to pay the price to have what they want. aloha

It’s supply and demand. I’ve had the same one since 1967. My dad bought it > for me at a hardware store in Newport beach for around 180.00 in a really > cool carrying case. I tried the “new” Hitachi and didn’t like > it. A lot of really good shapers like 'em though. I dont think the Skil is > a status thing at all. I just think some guys like 'em better than the > Hitachi and are willing to pay the price to have what they want.>>> aloha The Skil is definately a better made tool. I have used both. Not a problem shaping with the Hitachi. When I learned to shape I started with the Hitachi. I have a Skil it is my tool of choice. A good craftsmen can adapt to any tool. How about this for a tool. The Longboard shapers dream. A Porter Cable Versa Plane modified with a Skil front end. An 11 amp motor, spiral cutter head and 1/4 plus cut with ease. I would agree having a Skil is not an ego thing it is supply and demand.

All right I have to ask, why are the Skil 100’s so sought after by > shaper’s? I ahve seen a few sell in $1000 range. What I am really asking > is a Skil 100 actually 10 times better than the rest of the current > planers? Or is it just a status symbol that everybody wants the same > planner as “THE IN SHAPER”? AS I have stated numerous times before, the Skil #100 is only as good as the person operating it. The tool does not have the inate ability to transform an inexperenced shaper into a demi-god. I bought an electric welder and spent countless hours screaming the foulest obsenities that would have made a sailor blush. I thought I could weld, I had seen others weld before so why couldn’d I. I didn’t have the experience!!!

AS I have stated numerous times before, the Skil #100 is only as good as > the person operating it. The tool does not have the inate ability to > transform an inexperenced shaper into a demi-god. I bought an electric > welder and spent countless hours screaming the foulest obsenities that > would have made a sailor blush. I thought I could weld, I had seen others > weld before so why couldn’d I. I didn’t have the experience!!! I bet you were trying to weld a stand. What did you finally do for a stand? I am looking for a metal stand(preferably an inexpensive sell from a guy who just bought a better stand).

I bet you were trying to weld a stand. What did you finally do for a > stand?>>> I am looking for a metal stand(preferably an inexpensive sell from a guy > who just bought a better stand). I wouldn’t try something so trivial as a stand! No, I was welding up my own shaping machine, a deck leveler actually, before the computer machines. I still have it and became a fair at the best welder by the time I was done. This was when I first came upon the problem of blanks “relaxing” while being cut. A true hand shape is the way to obtain the most accurate shape. You can compensate for the relaxation as you go. You will either get a ho hum rack or pay for a good one. As a wise man once said “A poor man can’t afford cheap tools”.

I wouldn’t try something so trivial as a stand! No, I was welding up my > own shaping machine, a deck leveler actually, before the computer > machines. I still have it and became a fair at the best welder by the time > I was done. This was when I first came upon the problem of blanks > “relaxing” while being cut. A true hand shape is the way to > obtain the most accurate shape. You can compensate for the relaxation as > you go. You will either get a ho hum rack or pay for a good one. As a wise > man once said “A poor man can’t afford cheap tools”. Blank relaxation will take place whether you a skulpted 24 ton rock the shape of the rocker underneath it or not. So a welded shaping machine wasn’t going to cut it. TO compensate for realxation, you should first plane the deck(skin it only) then start shaving the bottom and adjust as you remove foam. KKL had problems with relaxationn too. I want to try the Homeblown blanks to see if they have less of this problem.