what's worse?

what's worse?

a. a SUPer paddling frantically, mid wave to desperately make up for their lack of trim skills

b. a surftech

i know, this is an incredibly important question

Unfortunately, sometimes it is both.

Thanks Laird.

Thanks Randy.

I remember when surfing was simple and there were only bodyboarders to hate.

“a” is the only correct answer.

Though the entire premise is like trying to decide which pile of shit smells the worst. In the end, it’s still a pile of shit.



be happy forever

laugh it off.

we have met the enemy

and he is us. all hail walt kellyhttp://jimandnancyforest.com/2005/04/we-have-met-the-enemy-and-he-is-us/


save is the new post

…as much as hate is a very important vice to avoid indulging in… This list is far to short and misses many major and important targets - if you can ask them (with relevance) “If surfing is so great why are you ruining it?” then they probably belong on the list.

Correct answer: Z. all of the above.