when a chipfish meets a moonfish

hello efferybody ['hi doctor nick!"]


  had a surf with , and met for the first time , a fellow sways brother [from the land of the long white cloud today]. turns out shannon moonfish only lives about 800 metres [yards for the dinosaurs] from me ?!


  there were occassionally some little peelers coming through in the STRONG offshore early , most of which we managed to catch between us , in between surfboard chats .....


 it's  always fun dawn patrolling with someone else [especially when , lately ,  the 6pm news report has been showing very  close up footage of a 5 metre white pointer, harrassing two scuba divers , and their dad in the boat


  dawnos are even more fun when you can talk design together and check out each others' boards [although , ironically ,  BOTH of us were riding commercially bought boards , with fcs fins!]


    Anyway , it was really good to meet you , Shannon !!


   ....looking forward to more dawnos [no-one else that i know ever wants to get up that early !] . Maybe if / when it gets bigger next time , i'll tape up the water camera , and "snap off a few"  [er...that's photos , not the other , browner , polluting variety!]


     cheers and keep surfing !



p.s. ...here's a photo of that kinda  'bonzer' board that i was telling you about , that ross from the longboard shop made last year ...i'd be keen to see how my 'runners' would surf / feel in your Walden [sorry i forgot to swap boards this morning eh ? next time , for sure !]

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[Ross spraypainted the cloth on  this when , before it was glassed , by the way ]


well, shannon came round yesterday , so  i introduced him to my ...er...."family" [fins and boards]. i think the poor guy was a bit overcome [you know , sensory overload??]


  we picked out a set of yellow sideys [4] for his 'CD4 ' 6'6" Walden [and , also , the 'tricolour' twin keels , to try on a vee bottomed , chine railed diamond tail, for something ...ummm ..."different" [maybe it will end up on THAT thread ...is it time for a 'resurrection' , i wonder ?]


  unfortunately , what surf there WAS yesterday [which i got to ride  with the aforementioned canary yellow fins] has since become flatter than kylie and danni before their implants  . oh well.


  ...to be continued ..... [maybe this will become a quiver / board making / photo / fin testing thread , a few years down the line from the 'meeting Popeye' thread , eh ?!]


Cheers and keep surfing ! (when there are WAVES , that is !)



hiya moonfish ,

if you’re here ??

i rode the ‘CD4’ with the twin keels , with the lil one tabber yellow fins in front

caught three lefts and three rights

it was only waist high

but the board felt good !!

cheers for the lend …try for a surf early tomorrow too, mate ?



Hey benny boy lol,


Firstly have to say ben is a great bloke and stoked to have met him(just so everyone knows)

and looking forward to having a few more earlys wit ya before the "darkness" sets in for winter.

As for ross's board it looks very cool, seems he did a top notch job on it, fins look good too, but i have to say i may try and steal his fins to try out you know.

looking forward to tommorows sesh, those keels are gonna be good to try. see if we can get some photos to throw in the post next time, cos everyone loves photos right?

alright mate see ya in the morn


P.S i liked the crack bout danni and kylie cos its so true.

.....and when it gets flatter than those girls pre-silicone ? hmmm.... i'll have to come up with a new anal ogy , i guess ....


   'cos , today was as F-L-A-A-A-A-A-T  as i've EVER seen it here


  What with the grey skies , no-one around , and the prolification of large black shapes under me , early this morning [i assume / HOPE they were seaweed??] , i was back home in around twenty five minutes today


  so i can't say how the keels went , as there were NO rideable waves on offer  , at least while i was down there


  likewise , 'MOONIE' , it was GREAT to meet ya , mate ...i'm always stoked to have a fellow dawn-patroller around [there's more meat on your bones for the pointers to polish off , whereas, my body would just be the toothpick to floss their mouths with after , eh ?]


  i hope we get another surf [with photos] during the next week or so ...


  people , i got shots of moonie with the Walden 'CD4' , this time , it was outfitted as a 'quad keel' [with two small one-tabbers in the front side plugs]


  Shannon ['moonman'] got a takeoff shot of me , and i got a coupla him too ! .... since it was so overcast / darkish , they are b+w shots , which i hope you may enjoy , 'Oldy'? [and others]


......  to be continued [ if and when there is swell , and the photos are burnt to disc, hopefully ?]


   cheers and keep surfing


the moonman....

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  and , the moonman's 6'6 x 22" Walden multi-fin option board .....

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[with blue tint cutaway keels , for THIS paddle ....]

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  yeehaaa  just what the finman ordered hahah! [ so you will probably see a few different setups ridden on THIS , no doubt ...]


  and autumn starts next week "yewww!!!" ,  as the Joshstar would say ! 

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i got to ...er...'ride' it , too [ many thanks for taking these photos, Shannon !]....

[kneeboarding it , in THIS photo...]

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pigdog semi stand semi kneel haha

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so far , i've ridden it with THESE setups ,

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 and moonie has ridden it with THIS setup ... [as well as twin keel, plus one-tabbers ...]

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The last ones been ma fav so far, the trailer flex fins give it a new life on turns imho. think there will be a wave tomorrow so hopefully get some good ones like the weekend aye chip? off to bed now tho fricken tired. seya out there mate

hi mooney !!

well, i got some photos and mini movies today …didya check it and leave or grommette probs , or sleep in ??

empty waves only ,

as ,

besides the surf school crew later [and a coupla ‘S.U.P.’ guys [learners!] , it was empty .

i guess it was too small for everyone

" the early bird gets the …(beautiful light)*… "

cheers !


[from a while ago…]

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the shots from our first ...er....'surf? together [a dark , grey drizzly morn...at least we got to try out the ?'supercharged? keel setup ?! .....

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the yellow quad setup...[i ENJOYED this !!]

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this was a bit too much fin [maybe in head high waves it would have been okay ?!!]

three 'GS  templates , and two M.R.'TX'  templates...

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.....THIS setup is still to be tried [ie: without the 'M7' trailer , previously pictured , and with the cutaways in the BACK side plugs ...'could ' be 'interesting' , hopefully ?!]

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....to be continued... 


 cheers !



[the waves have disappeared , at the moment ...the water was BEAUTIFUL for a paddle this morning , though ! [still 22 degrees , apparently ....we've been having a few 38 degree [CELSIUS , that is !] days , over the last month or so ...it was Perth's hottest and driest summer on record , they're saying....




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more setups to try …

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Shannon’s current project … “yewwwww !!!”

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some fin setups i’ve ridden , so far …

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So far , I’ve enjoyed THIS setup the most , with the commercial fcs’s …

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and …

hoping to get some photos / footage of Shannon riding it , some day …winter is approaching yeehaaa !

Hi Ben.

Great to see you still experimenting, surfing and “shooting” with boundless enthusiasm. This sort of thread makes us all feel good - thanks for sharing.



thanks Ro !

how have you been mate ?

Your wood board looks great !

I’ve been very well thanks mate. Getting some waves here and there and always got a board in the build process.

Keep up the good work - living in the moment !!!



.....great !


 please share some piccies with us here , eh ? [ I like your work !]


 Well,  today early , I rode the Walden 'CD4' as a quad again,  with these red and black cf trailers ['wildy' template ], fcs tabbed since this old photo,

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.... and M3'S front , in head high , but a bit crowded , at my local beach .


  My mate Rowan has gone north for three days ...with all day offshores forecast , he will SCORE ! [Hopefully he'll think to get some shots with his new digi watercamera , and his video ?! .... ]

Hi Chip,  thanks for sharing.  All the fin setups would make my head spin.


I’m curious to know how the beveled rails on the Walden feel?  What’s going on with that?  I just shaped a bonzer and nose bevels in.  They fade out where the single concave starts about 20" back from the nose.  I figured it would help the nose from catching.