hello efferybody ['hi doctor nick!"]
had a surf with , and met for the first time , a fellow sways brother [from the land of the long white cloud today]. turns out shannon moonfish only lives about 800 metres [yards for the dinosaurs] from me ?!
there were occassionally some little peelers coming through in the STRONG offshore early , most of which we managed to catch between us , in between surfboard chats .....
it's always fun dawn patrolling with someone else [especially when , lately , the 6pm news report has been showing very close up footage of a 5 metre white pointer, harrassing two scuba divers , and their dad in the boat
dawnos are even more fun when you can talk design together and check out each others' boards [although , ironically , BOTH of us were riding commercially bought boards , with fcs fins!]
Anyway , it was really good to meet you , Shannon !!
....looking forward to more dawnos [no-one else that i know ever wants to get up that early !] . Maybe if / when it gets bigger next time , i'll tape up the water camera , and "snap off a few" [er...that's photos , not the other , browner , polluting variety!]
cheers and keep surfing !
p.s. ...here's a photo of that kinda 'bonzer' board that i was telling you about , that ross from the longboard shop made last year ...i'd be keen to see how my 'runners' would surf / feel in your Walden [sorry i forgot to swap boards this morning eh ? next time , for sure !]