When is it cool to sell the boards you make?

Aloha all, 

i want to sell some of the boards I have been making but am new to board making.  I am working with eps entropy resin , cork , polypropylene.   The boards are looking good and I have seen better.  The shapes are my own , but of corse nothing new.  I am prep aired to keep and ride them for a while, but really want to sell a few to get more epoxy.  I worked with Gary young, but we had creative differences and now am out on my own.   How long do I test ? A local shop saw my boards and want my to put a few in but is it to soon?  

The time to sell is when someone wants to buy.  If you have a buyer I say sell. 

Surf shops are always looking for someone to fill their racks with free inventory.  if you are really ‘‘ready’’ they will buy them…

When you pass the “I am ready to sell like a pro” test.

See Ace’s post.

When you have thick enough skin to take the criticism that will come with it.

"When is it cool to sell the boards you make ? "


define "cool "


perhaps that is nearly as unusual a question as   "when is it ‘cool’ to surf  ? "


  hopefully swaylocks crew are not that worried about what is  'cool 'or what others think , but are into making stuff , surfing and  …  having fun /  sharing the stoke … :slight_smile:


Sharing stoke is a better way of saying it… I want people to be stoked on my boards.  I am building boards that I hope will be fun and last a long time.   I love the feedback.   I think I got a little more work to do.  They are fun and I get a lot of attention in the water .   I just want to be sure they can take abuse.  So bottom line I wait till people are handing me money not asking for consignment…

Your boards look beautiful

1st off I’m not a shaper or professional builder,  a garage builder at best.

My feeling is when you can offer something that rides better for your local conditions than what’s available off the shelf then you have something to offer…Build it and they will come.   

I rode and measured  the crap out of a number of boards and tried to think what I didn’t like about them in MY waves.

Too much rail, too much rocker, too slow,  too stiff, too heavy too much volume.

Once I had a rough change list together, I took the components from the boards I liked and discarded the parts I didn’t  made one for me and some for  my crew,  Stoke was high on these boards and they got passed around like pirate hookers in a “you gotta try this” kinda manner. Now before anyone on the local buys a new board they ask if I’m building.  I turn down most, as I don’t have time to fill all requests and I’m still spending my time building personal stuff and trying to improve the strength to weight ratio.

In an established market, this may be more difficult. But if you’ve got something special to offer, I say sell it.



We’re taliking surfboards here not surgical equipment.  Its fun, not life & death.  If you have buyers that want to buy…sell.