where to get custom stringers?

How/where can I get a blank with a T-band (wood, not foam) or a really wide solid stringer, like 1-inch or wider? It looks like Clark/Foam E-Z only offers 1/4-inch singles with extra 1/8-inch triple stix 6 inches out (on a 9’1"Y). Or can I just tell them what I want and they’ll make it? Thanks for any leads…deeb…

I found out that I can get just about any stringer from Foam E-Z/Clark. Now here’s my wood question: What are the advantages/disadvantages/differences between Bass and Spruce (and Balsa)? I’m not up on the wood quiz, and all I know is that most blanks come “stock” with Bass. Why? Is it mainly a cost thing?

Deeb: I’ve got a good friend who builds furniture and knows wood…blindfolded. Anyway, here’s what he told me. Spruce is a very straight grained wood and will stay straight without warping or twisting. (wooden arrows were made of Spruce for this very reason) It is harder to get and more expensive as per Clark’s Stringer catalog list $$. Basswood is a close second, more readily available and cheaper. No accident that it is the default material they use for their standard stringer material. Balsa, very expensive (especially in longer,unspliced lengths) but very light. I wonder about the stability of balsa, the glue up with a 2nd type of wood probably helps a lot. Say a 1 inch balsa with a thin bass T-band.>>> I found out that I can get just about any stringer from Foam E-Z/Clark. > Now here’s my wood question: What are the > advantages/disadvantages/differences between Bass and Spruce (and Balsa)? > I’m not up on the wood quiz, and all I know is that most blanks come > “stock” with Bass. Why? Is it mainly a cost thing?