Who needs a dependent variable?

Awesome…Don’t even think about second guessing the colors or the shape. Look at that smile!

Pin lines too. Custom logo. That board goes fast just standing there.

Thanks guys! Now that we know it works we’re amped to try out other things. We’ve got a good collaboration: shaper willing to try new things and an engineer bursting with ideas. We’re already wondering how well it would work stretched out to say 7ft.

Here’s the video we took from that day. As you can see, pretty crappy closeouts but there’s one wave in there that managed to work. Too bad it was a left. Don’t mind the ridiculous comments from myself and another friend as we hung out in the car blasting the heat and trying to regain feeling in our limbs. Hopefully we’ll get some good swell at a different break soon. This was the only place with offshore winds that day. I’d like to have more video of this thing in action.



I feel your stoke!!!

Super Job!!

Great thread!
