Why do a soul arche while riding waves?

Sidestreet, I couldn’t agree more about the Noseride arch! I still think the pinacle of beauty is going to the nose and just being super relaxed. Joel Tudor and David Nuuhiwa style is the absolute best. Although, a little arch isn’t too shabby either. Just don’t go overboard and like you said, be perched!

Herbie’s soul arches: a little exaggerated. Maybe really exaggerated. Can’t hold it against him. He would gut me in a contest heat anyday. I agree with you, though. Subtle arch when perching=easy on the eyes.

why do it? because you can…


When … to do a soul arch? Claiming a noseride? In trim on a shortboard? When you’re in the curl?

all of the above, and more …


why do it? because you can…

Perfect! My sentiments exactly!

chip fish remember that guy is wearing street clothes…jeans that is…awe ! the arch is within us and its not a comodity that moose and bear own the repro rights limiting all those in the u.s.s.r. from executing at will… good shot chip pure example of the force within…ambrose… exausting all possibilities that may be surfing’s legacy

And, on a concrete wave…

the ones that Bruce Logan used to do upside down on his "Logan Earth Ski " skateboard, back in the 1970s, were pretty entertaining , too !


You’ll sometimes "make the cover " … [if that’s what you’re into!]

I taught my 5 year old to do them on his skateboard. So he knows style. Something Jerry Lopez and others had so much of.


Damn!!! it didn’t work… there is a picture on surfresearch of a guy riding a peice of plywood…

maybe I can help…

thanks …I LIKE it !

looks like he’s got soul to me !

Hahaha! thats the one John.!

why not ?

This is Dane Kealoha, [speaking of short wide flat boards from the '80s !] …from the same Scott Dittrich dvd as Cheyne Horan’s 5’8 waimea single fin [‘follow the sun’] . This movie also featured Mark Richards, Larry Blair, Shaun Tomson, ‘Tommy’ Curren. Worth watching [even if the music DOES become really repetitive after a while !] Some good stuff of Mike Ho winning the Pipe Masters with his arm in plaster, against a VERY young Martin Potter, too…

…and the cutbacks I watched Dane do [in movies] after blasting out of tubes like this were inspiring to me in my teens…

I had this one on my wall as a kid. You gotta post the caption - as I recall, Ventura County, California, something like… “Partied all night, showed up at dawn, looked perfect, borrowed board, paddled out in Levi’s!” Besides, soul arche gotta have hands over head, Like “ole”… Not just fun looking, fun to do. Taylor

Sorry - full points for soul only awarded, cover shot or not, with hands over head -Ole. Taylor