I want to shape a 9’6" longboard and make it the following dimensions: 17 1/2"nose, 14 1/2"tail, 23"wide and only 2 7/8" thick. I know that a lot of longboards are 3" or 3 1/4" thick when they get to a 9’6" length. I’ll use a Clarkfoam Superblue blank with a 1/4" stringer. If I glass it with 2 layer 6oz. on deck, and 1 layer 6oz. on bottom, plus a gloss finish, can I expect it to still be strong and durable? Thanks, Grant.
I want to shape a 9’6" longboard and make it the following > dimensions: 17 1/2"nose, 14 1/2"tail, 23"wide and only 2 > 7/8" thick. I know that a lot of longboards are 3" or 3 > 1/4" thick when they get to a 9’6" length. I’ll use a Clarkfoam > Superblue blank with a 1/4" stringer. If I glass it with 2 layer 6oz. > on deck, and 1 layer 6oz. on bottom, plus a gloss finish, can I expect it > to still be strong and durable? Thanks, Grant. That all depends on what you mean by strong and durable. The inside off a blank is much softer then the outside, by shaping it this thin you are overshaping the blank a little. What you might do is look for the thinnest blank Clark is offering, don’t mow to much foam away, glass it the way you want it and it wil last. If you want it to be stronger then I might suggest Volan 10 or 6 oz on the deck, or a extra layer in the place wher you jump to your feet might work. You are making it a little heavier this way, but a lot stronger. Right now I’m into polystyrene foam with on the deck urethane hardfoam then I glass it with Dynema/carbon. Superlight and bulletproof result, some extra work and ad a $ 150,- to the price of a board. Rember no matter how strong you try to make it, all it takes is one good wave and it all snaps like toothpick. Good luck. Peter.
You will get lots of service with that glass job I usually do a 6/4 deck to counter the weight of the gloss resin and it gives pretty good results and i’m a big guy. i like the lighter foams and lighter glass jobs with the theory that we get them for cost and i’m not a guru. If Donald Tak…or equivelent was shaping it would be a different story, later