
gday josh. i hear you mate, but i realllllly love glass on fins.

Me too!! I know what you mean.

Some “Widowmakers” I would like to see …

a firewire one

a sunova one

a Shwuz one

a Lob one

an Oldy one

a plus one shaper one

a Paul Jensen one

a Dave Parmenter one [of course!]

a Terry Fitzgerald one [collaboration with Martyn Worthington]

Purchase ones , by Neal jnr and Neal snr.

a wood_ogre one

…anyone for a "widowmaker shape off " ??



…thanks for the reminder , cap’nn Kirk !

The Cheyne Horan/Ben Lexen Starfin has been working exceptionally well with this design…"

it’s a different design to the “Schnub” mentioned and shown previously , but …

I have STILL yet to try this …but , maybe this weekend ???

cheers !


and thanks for reminding ME too- I need to get in touch with Solo and see what’s up with the starfins- he said he’d have a new batch real soon


widow setup… hrmm…

how about for a 7’1 x21 x 2.5 big guy board? Got a V with double barrel in it now… thinking about what to do with fins…

Neil Purchase 6-7 Schnubb

See also my earlier thread “for your viewing pleasure”

Sorry no ride report yet good surf and free time not coming together but it will be in The Maldives in 12 days time so …

Gday Oldy,

Hear you on the plugs popping in the shories. I have a quad fish with a butterfly patch on the bottom (double 6 in the fin area). Tough as nails mate. FCS will not budge.

But, totally respect the integration of fin with board - glass on has a purity, no doubt.

Not sure how big your quad is, but add four to 6 inches in length and this widow will be a completely different board for different waves. Plug the gap in the quiver I say.

Or conversely, I think a widow board of similar length to your quad will feel radically different as the emphasis on surfing will be more back foot, especially if you pull the WP back a few inches.

I made a 6’1 x 22 quad/single, then stretched the template to a 6’7 x 21 single. Both diamond tails. Massively different feel and range.

Good luck

OK, I’m sick of waiting for any sort of winter swell, so why not resuscitate a widowmaker thread to make myself more antsy. Kidman riding a self shaped 6 channel widow. Lucky bastard.

Here’s my try at a widowmaker.

Sorry I have to feed these in one at a time. Here’s the deck. Mike

Not sure why they are so small, either. Here’s the bottom. Pigmented resin smoodgie. I suspect I need a bit less center fin. Mike

Nice! that’s a really serious and clean outline. How long is that thing?

Hi consafos,

It’s a 6-11 cut from a Surfblanks Australia blank. I tried to keep every cm3 I could to get me into a specific hollow beach break wave early. Just point and shoot. That’s my hope anyway. I’ve surfed it four times in shitty small surf. It will probably go good as a single fin. The rail fins are Lokbox Twinzer lead fins. I think they are about3.5 at the base and height. So far this board is accident prone. I"ve dropped it or it fell over to the tune of 5 major rail crunches. It has a gloss coat although I don’t spend a lot of time polishing. Mike

Sorry for resurrecting this thread for the 3rd time, but I’m amped on this design at the moment!


I took delivery of this a couple of months ago and only had a chance to try it a couple of times before the summer doldrums kicked in over here.  It’s a 6’6" x 19 7/8" x 2 5/8" diamondtail by Chris Diplock from Phoenix Surfboards in Cornwall.




Glassing is 6/4/6 with a fine sanded glosscoat.  Entry vee to flat to a mild spiral vee out the back.  Centre box with Lokbox sides.  I choose the Lokbox sides so I could mess about with both fin size/shape and also be able to slide them up and down in the boxes.  The set up shown is a 7.5" Greenough 4A style centre with 3 5/8" single foiled Lokbox composite sidebites, set right back in the boxes.


Only a couple of ‘proper’ surfs so far in the surf I intended to use it in-chunky beachbreak in the overhead/2xOH range, and I loved it.  It covers ground at an alarming rate and holds in really well.  Definitely a ‘get in early’ board, rather than one you can swing under the lip late for a cover-up, but with the forward foil and flatter rocker up front, I guess that won’t be a surprise!


I  definitely feel like it would benefit from a more basey centre fin, so was wondering what any of you experienced Widow riders suggest?  I like the look of the Rusty flex and the Wayne Rich Power, as they seem to offer a similar template to some of the Purchase and Parmenter boards I’ve spotted.


I also have a Starfin and a Larry Allison Wingless Keel to try, but I think I’ll initially go with these as singles as I feel it may over-fin the board with sides.


Anyone tried double-foiled sides in a Widow?  I have a set of AK2 quads in my Speedialer that have a pair of nice-looking trailer fins that may be interesting to experiment with.


Unfortunately, mid-August is a bad time (in a particularly bad summer for surf!) to experiment with boards for solid waves here in the UK, but once some winter swells start to happen I will have a chance and will post my findings if anyone is interested.


Cheers, Tommy.