widowmaker vs 2+1 fin set-ups

nice !


  what length and width is that , please ?


and ....


  how does it ride ?


  are they probox sideys ?


  have you tried a few different sized side and back fin setups ?


that board looks like it would be HEAPS of fun !! 


  cheers for posting that , Kayu !



the template is 20 " wide by 5' -8" long and it varies a bit when its shaped , depending on the board.  Ive only ridden the twin-fin version, which is more influenced by early 70's twin, rather than the MR ones......never  tail-slides and cuts a real positive track....can handle a chunky wave. Would like to try a twinzer set up !

Theres something about widow makers that just get the juices rolling.

A Rusty 5.5 flex fin 6 oz. layup: reshaped, 3.5 Fyre sidebites on Coletta Speed Egg alot of merging of designs to better surfing…

Hi, I just had a 2+1 Snubb shaped by Neal Purchase Jr. Its a great board and for some reason me and this board really gel on the back hand, forehand I'm still working out, but the drive off the bottom on the back hand is amazing. Moved the fin fwd 1/4 inch as the fore hand is feeling a little stiff from the back, havent tried it yet. Also just working out the timing on take off, its very fast into waves so once your in theres no mucking around otherwise you'll end up belly sliding, very fast, faster than any quad I have ridden. 

I’ve actually got a good reason to stick my oar in on a widowmaker thread- picked this up (via the help of Airboy who posts here once in a while). It’s a 6’8" Parmenter, really clean condition and thick as a paving stone with a tiny diamond tail. I haven’t had waves worth getting it out in, but winter will come around again…












That is a sweet looking board for good surf, I have a 6'10 Widow as well, might post a couple of pics as well of both.



Ok not strickly widows but heavily influenced. 2 x new Neal Purchase Jr 2+1's. Both very very different boards.

Board 1 - 6'6 x 2 3/4 x 20 1/2 rounded quare - 6 1/4 rear fin - more explosive board for everyday surf and wants to drive hard

Board 2 - 6'10 2 3/4 x 20 1/2 rounded pin - 7 1/2 rear fin - rides like a single with drive really makes you think about your foot weighting and draws higher and smoother lines, punishes you for pumping or trying to ride like a thruster, great cuttie on this, ride in above 4 ft - dont like riding it 3ft below and I dont think it likes it much either.Could be just me.  


Will post picks of both in the next week.


[img_assist|nid=1072879|title=5'8" widow|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=404|height=194]








This is one I’ve been working on, fine tuning and tweaking. All around ripping board best of both truster and single. Over head or mushy, I haven’t ridden a different board in months.

Reading for years first contribution.

i ride everything unless you lay on it or use a paddle, right tool for the job is my view.

usually when hitting Indo I take my regular shorty which I ride as a twin thruster or quad and a step up, size depending on forecast . So that’s two max for me the wife’s 8’0" and the kids have a board each. It’s a lot to cart around airports and there’s always another board you wished you had taken when looking back at where you were and what you surfed…anyway I’ve found the perfect traveler for myself, and it blown me away!

i was originally after a straight single fin, to add to the quiver then was gradually convinced to go the 2+1. Stoked I did it’s awesome and adds miles to my smiles regardless of conditions.

its  Luke Studer variation of his explorer single fin. 6’10" x 21 1/4 x 2 3/4 pictured 

Here are pics of a nice widowmaker gun by DP…

beautiful !


thanks for posting them , John !


 I think kirk gee /  ‘Consafos’ here , has a few of his , maybe ?


…was Dave’s label something like 'Aleutian Juice ', from memory ??


  cheers !



Tyler Hairpin.

7’6"    16 1/2" N   22" W   15" T.

Sidebites 3.5" high, 4" base. 13 1/2" rear of base to tail

Center fin 6.5" high, 4 7/8" base. 7 1/4" rear of base to tail.



How big is that orange one?

Looks so mean.

Me likee.

 Nice, what’s the depth on you side bites on the tripple stringer gun?

I think that widowmaker is a 9’6"(?)  The sidebites are maybe 3 1/4"-3 1/2"(?)  

It’s not mine.  I just asked a buddy if I could take some pics of his boards and post them. 

I’ve found it pretty hard to find some side bites under 3". Ended up getting some through Shapers in Oz. ( great place to get all your shaping gear ) About 2.75" They’re a template designed by the guy shaping Black Apache sticks. Perfect.


It may come as a surprise to many, but the 2 + 1 fin configuration has been around since 1964, exactly as you see it today. Glass-ons only, no boxes then.

50 + and still going strong! Got to love the 2 + 1

then a gain, so are the twinnies etc etc :slight_smile: