I was cruising the web looking at some of the other people that make their own stuff, knives, and came accross this. As beautiful a knife handle that could be made, the fin possabilities are still dancing in my head. Let me know what those of you with fin building experience think. I know the width is kind of short, but I am thinking for shortboards, and keel fins for a fish. http://www.kovalknives.com/home.htm
Rob - Cool site. Are you referring to the “dymondwood?” The link opened the home page but not sure which handle you mean.
Rob - Cool site. Are you referring to the “dymondwood?” The link > opened the home page but not sure which handle you mean. The diamond wood is what I tried to link to, it was my first attempt at posting a link, and things do not always work as planned http://www.kovalknives.com/home.htm
That wood is neat looking. I would try and lay up about 10-15 layers of cloth (with pigment?)and sandwich the wood on either side of the glass panel. Once it’s foiled, you will have a glass edge around the wood. Laminate an additional 3-4 layers over the wood (on each side) with sanding resin. Sand it smooth with medium grit paper and you’ll have a very nice glass-on fin. I’m going to try and post the link to the wood handle page: http://www.kovalknives.com/Handle01.htm