Wooden Fins ..Pictures & Instructions...

Definate candidate for the resources section Bert!

Push it up there so the information is kept forever more :slight_smile:

Nice job Bert! Very informative! Wish I could say I actually made these myself, but at least I get to sell them!!

Cool effect with the reflection of the flag on the ceiling of the office


Those are beautiful! I would like to make some custom fins to fit your box. I saw on a previous post that the fin tab is 2 1/2" x 7/16" deep. Is there any cant built into the fin tab? Or is the cant determined by the angle the box is set into the bottom of the board?



The angle is built into the fins. 6 degrees is ideal, this allows you to put the box in relatively flat and flush. You can pod the fin base on right in the box by coating the cavity with mold release, filling it up with resin and milled fiber mix, then popping it out after it sets up. However, you have to use something like putty to fill in and flush out the area where the screw is. Then of course you need to cut the slot into the side of the fin base but this can be done with a dremel and small disc type carbon cutter bit.


Is the entire tab created by the podding method? Or do I make a fin with an undersized tab, set fin in box at 6 degrees, then use the podding method to build up the rest of the tab?



You use an undersized tab/extension of the base. The dims for the raw base should be 1/4 thick x 2 1/4 length x 7/16th depth.


Thanks for the help!


Just bumping the thread because of the increased interest in making fins… I guess if you dont have foam, you can always make fins and experiment with templates…

from left to right: FCS G5 (C), FCS G5 (L), FCS G5 (R), Wood G5 (L), Bass wood G5 (C), Hatchet (pre-cut), bonzer center, wood G5 (R), lexan tunel fin, Wood rising sun occy template (C)

Hello Bert,

I would like to say that is some great work you do, you said that you get about 135 fins out on a sheet, you are saving a mint on fins alone. I would like to show you some fins that I have found on the internet, they are not made by me but by a furnisher maker, his website is…http://www.mccormickfinewoodworking.com

it is worth checking into. I have posted some of his fins that he has made.

I have contacted him to see if I could get some of his fins, but he stated that he is moving on the 1st of the year and will not be taking orders.

Heres another

Mr. McCormick (Richard) actually posts on sways… RichardMc… check his old posts… hes got some good info…

and another one… this guy is really good. Its something when you have the right tools for the job…lol

hey there Scott,

Was just up in your area, selling some of my boards. I can tell you this, it was HOT and HUMID…Dont know how you guys do it…question, do you surf the tankers that come into the harbour???


you oughta see his calipers… check post “calipers gone wild”

Its hard to surf the tankers but can be done… you need a LONG board… like 10’+ and alot of patience… best bet is to go down to surfside… as far as humid… what humidity? I guess you just have to get used to it…

another note on the tankers… its really risky… and the water near them is REALLY nasty… but if your going to do it, the best place is just down the road from A&M galveston… past the sulfer plant about 15 mins…

heres what galveston surfing looks like…

The picture that you are showing?

Is that during the hurricane?? and looks like the wind is really blowing. We are planning to go back with some more boards in May, maybe thinking about taking a 10’ footer out…lol


Just took a look at the calipers…they are good looking, He really does have a lot of talent…he really does…

heres a good article on tanker wake surfing…


Dear sir,

I’m a beginner surfer here in the philippines, the high cost of surfboards here in my country has made me deprived of having my own board, which made me decide to try shaping my own. Sir can you pls give me the details of how to attach the fins, i’m planning to use polystyrene and epoxy with my board, if you have pictures on how to do it, it will be very much appreciated…thank you and more power to you…GOD BLESS YOU always.

i need to know how you made those fins for the futures boxes! They’re insane. Please enlighten me.