If some one can sand boards and is coming to nz SOON   for a surf trip and wants work ?Email me at   barron

how many week work you got man. this is paul cannon. been doing quite a few polys and could do a trip down mid jan. happy to sand and polish all day

Hi Paul, I will kept that in mind   cheers


Paul it you ever go to California you are more than welcome to come in and make some boards at our shop.

You would add a different dimention that would benifet any boring board business.





ey! that would be so fun. you can take me to the secret mysto cali surf spots. i might check visas see what works. can make some ugly boards for you lol

can i work in underpants?


You sure can
If your looking for some “action”  make sure their made from LAMBS WOOL
or try some mint sauce behind your ears !
I hear it Drives the NZ men Crazy!