Who are they?
yes. Legend.
O.k. Dean,
I gotta ask.
First a thread on Boardcad, and how to shape, then a thread on squeegee technique, then a thread on pulling the glass tight, after that, cut laps, and now sanding. Next will be FCS installs, then gloss coat.
You’ve been around here a while. This can’t be your first board. So what’s up? How do you build a board? Time to start sharing.
Dunno, who?
My mate Festool is the worlds best sander, but he charges way too much for his services.
You beat me too it. Larry Pope for sure! Damn good photog as well!
Charlie Walker.....Hands Down!
the ones who finish up with a surfboard that has the same edges the shaper finished with…
I've always described sanding as ''The final step in the shaping process.''
Bill Barnfield
Hitachi, 3" belt, 1800 watts......
I’ll have to second that Charlie Walker nomination. Flattest I’ve ever seen anyone get anything. Beautiful polishes too. Such a legend. -Carl
Who are they?
DEANBRO is the worlds best. DEANBRO can sand boards so fast and so smooth...he is the beat...he works the beat....
He is featured in Teen Beet....he has corns on his feet....My vote for world's best Sander is DeanBro...
You go Deanbro...go go go!!!!
I’ve heard Charlie Walker mentioned once before on a different thread. Anyone have any idea what his routine/tools he uses etc is for sanded hot coats? I’m curious as to how the worlds best go about it.
Kenny Mann at moonlight glassing has been sanding boards since the 1970's Can't say he is the best. Might be one of the first inductees to a sanding Hall of Fame
Is charlie Walker the same Charlie Walker that had a great rep as one of the best "underground" Surfers on the north Shore
Who polishes the Cooperfish boards? Seems like I saw a short video of him on facebook. It looked he was only using linear full length passe with the machine?. I got tired just watching him run up and down holding that big Milwaukee grinder. Cooperfish polishes are very very good. I think perhaps their boards are sanded by the same guy using the same technique. Gene are you watching???
I used to get my boards polished by a Dude named “beef” or “meat”??? He worked at Spectrum in Melbourne FLA. Also did great work. I bribed him $100 and a case of beer to show me his licks. It was money well spent.
Yup. Someone should write a Surfers Journal article on him if they can ever find/catch him. :) -C
Who polishes the Cooperfish boards? Seems like I saw a short video of him on facebook. It looked he was only using linear full length passe with the machine?. I got tired just watching him run up and down holding that big Milwaukee grinder. Cooperfish polishes are very very good. I think perhaps their boards are sanded by the same guy using the same technique. Gene are you watching?????
thats jeff pupo, my vote for the best around!!
Larry Pope already had a TSJ profile, so I guess he wins? (lol)
If I stop by (he's down the street) and tell him about this thread he'll make some caustic LP comment and shift the blame elsewhere (more lol).
In the polisher realm, ''Beef'' is very, very good. I got his real name from him a couple of years ago, but I can't remember right now. Back in the day of the rollicking Spectrum crew, nobody ever knew him as anything but "Beef''. Joe Roberts is THE legend of Brevard County polishers, though. Anybody who could work to Donnie Mulhern's standard rules!