WOW,even the click plate is still installed!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know where I can purchase a vacume hook-up exhaust for a skill 100, 7.5er? I talked to Sherman Co.,and he said he would look around for me…anyone here know?Herb.

Does anyone know where I can purchase a vacume hook-up exhaust for a skill > 100, 7.5er?>>> I talked to Sherman Co.,and he said he would look around for > me…anyone here know?Herb. Go to Sears and look in the shop vac section. You can use a craftsmen 2 1/2 utility nozzle (I think this is the Sears item # 00916922000 and or MFR # 16922). You will need to alter it. You will need to cut the nozzle ends off flush with the ends to the planer exaust connection. It will take a little effort to get the nozzle on the planer at first, but it will go. It will be a tight fit this helps to hold it in place. Then tape off the ends and you have a vacuum attachment. You may find it works better to only tape one side depending on your vacuum. The 45 in the nozzle brings the hose back over the handle. You can also tape the hose to the planer handle to help secure it. They also make a swivel but I am not sure how to get one. A friend gave me one years ago. Im not sure if it was part of a hose or what. I would like to hear other peoples variations. Ridgid also makes a vacuum nozzle similar. Hope this helps.

Herb: I sent an e-mail off to Steve Boehne’s shop but never got a reply. Here is the link to his product. Let me know if you get any response by phone or whatever. Tom>>> Does anyone know where I can purchase a vacume hook-up exhaust for a skill > 100, 7.5er?>>> I talked to Sherman Co.,and he said he would look around for > me…anyone here know?Herb.

Herb:>>> I sent an e-mail off to Steve Boehne’s shop but never got a reply. Here is > the link to his product. Let me know if you get any response by phone or > whatever.>>> Tom …I’ve met Steve sometime ago,thru a old team rider of mine Bob"spinner"Loos who was having steve reproduce an old shape of mine. At any rate maybe I can get him to bite!Herb.

It’s the cleanest one I’ve seen in a long , long time!

It’s the cleanest one I’ve seen in a long , long time! I’m glad you’re happy with the planer, Herb. That was the second one I’ve sold off of the Swaylock’s classifieds, the first one got no responses, then very low offers, then a guy from Oregon stepped up and got one in the same condition as yours, for about the same price. When I delivered it to him he was pretty shocked at the condition just as you seem to be. I’m just trying to say that they are still out there and not everyone is trying to obtain a high price for them, just what they think is fair. In fact you were the only response that I got! Sweet deal and good karma, brah. Enjoy… Kalani

since we’re talking about skils, check out this jointer stand i just got. i’ll keep my spare planer on it. that way i won’t trim my fingernails anymore when making tail blocks. i’m kinda stoked about it and had to show somebody.

that’s really cool, gene! instant mini-jointer with spring loaded guard…to prevent that unwanted manicure. i had never seen a similar accessory. while pushing through something as small as a tail block, i imagine you have the depth of cut set real low??>>> since we’re talking about skils, check out this jointer stand i just got. > i’ll keep my spare planer on it. that way i won’t trim my fingernails > anymore when making tail blocks. i’m kinda stoked about it and had to show > somebody.

Gene: Didn’t you have a hybrid Skil/Rockwell? Got a pic of it? TS>>> since we’re talking about skils, check out this jointer stand i just got. > i’ll keep my spare planer on it. that way i won’t trim my fingernails > anymore when making tail blocks. i’m kinda stoked about it and had to show > somebody.

I made one…after I heard that there hard to find and pricey… Here’s what I did, I took a plastic bottle(4-6oz.sunny delight bottle),cut a slot in the side of the bottle, big enough to slide it onto the Skill’s exhaust trap.I heated the bottle up with a heatgun on the body only(not the neck of the bottle) and proceeded to mash it down to conform to the tin shroud.After I settled on the form ,I then removed it ,and placed doublesided tape(foam type)in the contact areas,then put the bottle back in place,mashing it down to the tape…A little plummer’s goop,around the cracks,and some black paint for looks AND BANG I GOT A VAC.TRAP! This is the kicker,I took the cap cut the majority of the top out,and left a small lip on it.Then I took a 1-1/4" sink trap elbow,and reduced(reduced diameter,and thickness) the collar on the short end of the pipe enough to fit in the cap ,but large enough NOT to travel thru the hole past the reduced collared end.Stuck the pipe thru the hole in the cap from the inside going out to stop the pipe at the cap. Screwed the lid back on the installed bottle sealed the cap,and bottle together with black 2" heat shrink…Now it swivels,like the Hitachi/Clark attachment!!!And as a added bonus the trap is easily removable,like the original shroud. Gave it quick spin down a blank and it works GREAT!! Need to ajust my blades though.No biggie,just time consuming,and I’m picky,picky.Herb. …by the way Gene NICE TOY!!!

Gene:>>> Didn’t you have a hybrid Skil/Rockwell? Got a pic of it?>>> TS no tom, that wasn’t me.

Does anyone have a skil 100 they want to sell? I need a skil 100 and can’t find one. Anyone please, sell me one. Thanks

Ebay,I’ve seen a few go at o.k. prices

Ebay sucks. I hate havin tobid against other people. I almost won one and while I was at work it ended and someone bidded $1 higher than me. I was pissed! So I just want to buy one. On ebay a lot are modified ex. shortened for nose planing, extended cords, or anyting else stupid. I just want a whole skill, working or non working. If you have a busted up one or a good one email me if you wanna sell it.

since we’re talking about skils, check out this jointer stand i just got. > i’ll keep my spare planer on it. that way i won’t trim my fingernails > anymore when making tail blocks. i’m kinda stoked about it and had to show > somebody. Hey Gene-o, I like the stand very much. It might be a little small for those agave planks though. Can I use the same stand w/ my Rockwell? Don’t forget to let me see that blank when the time comes. No bookie!

Ebay sucks. I hate havin tobid against other people. I almost won one and > while I was at work it ended and someone bidded $1 higher than me. I was > pissed! So I just want to buy one. On ebay a lot are modified ex. > shortened for nose planing, extended cords, or anyting else stupid. I just > want a whole skill, working or non working. If you have a busted up one or > a good one email me if you wanna sell it. AKA/Kalani the bra I bought my latest one from says he has a 5.5 in running condition that he is thinking about selling(cheaper than the one I got). Well Kalani howz it bra!Herb.

Hey Gene-o,>>> I like the stand very much. It might be a little small for those agave > planks though. Can I use the same stand w/ my Rockwell? Don’t forget to > let me see that blank when the time comes.>>> No bookie! yeah skip, its too small for full size work, just for that little spir of the moment stuff. it only fits that model planer. i can’t get to that other project till end of summer. i’ll drop in and talk to you as it gets closer.

AKA/Kalani the bra I bought my latest one from says he has a 5.5 in > running condition that he is thinking about selling(cheaper than the one I > got).>>> Well Kalani howz it bra!Herb. Soon brah, I need to put a meggar on the motor to double check that its OK and put a new cord on it…Just not enough time in the day lately, I’ll try to post it here in a week or so…I’ll also send you a picture of a new find, I don’t think its ever touched wood or foam but no case or attachments but cherry as can be… Aloha

AKA, Love to see a pic of it,Thanks,Herb.