WOWWWW ....I absolutely LOVE this photo !!

by Ryan Bepu ,


  a mate of 'Makakilo' here ....[thanks , heaps , for bringing it to our attention , Wajdi !]


  absolutely stunning ...water and photo clarity , colour , light , action , focus , timing !! ....


Dave Sparkes , also on 'Facebook' , is the only other I have seen consistently pull off this kind of water shot , with his incredible 'meniscus' work[s] of art !


  inspiration , for SURE !!




cheers !


 ben   , shutterbug wannabe

wow is an understatement

[edit ....that's with TWO  'p's , by the way... Ryan BEPPU ...oops !]


yep , even with the extra wowwwww  w's , WORDS say SO much less than photos [and actions] , DON'T they !


made me think of this one I have…nature really does create some awesome and beautiful moments, the key is to capture them… I respect good photographers and their skills…

You can often find Ryan taking pics early am at Queens in the summer, nice guy , he has a web site with some stunning photos on it , I think its Zenfolio Ryan Beppu.

[quote="$1"] made me think of this one I have.....nature really does create some awesome and beautiful moments, the key is to capture them... I respect good photographers and their skills.... [/quote]


hi mark !


  is this one of  clark little's ? 

robbie crawford's ?

david pu'us ?

chris van lennep's ?


 .... in the 1970s , mike moir used to be the sunrise  in the tube man , I remember from the the days of kodachrome 25 and 64 , and later fuji velvia ...RICH  colours !

so I went to the source and was impressed .

so much so I sent my wife an email link to the site 

and insisted she work on duplicating the woman’s ride

in photo # 10




Wow! What a shot! It’s kind of an Alice in Wonderland kaleidoscope sneak peek into Timothy Leary’s head as capture by Ryan Bepu.

Thanks for posting. I'm very intrigued by the vortices that appear as ''ropes'' running at 90d to wave travel. Ahhh, the mysteries of breaking waves - one of the reasons surfing never gets old....


That the best underwater photo I have seen for some time. Where was it taken?

Thank you

WaveFin doubt only RYAN knows...

Great photo.

For a good video of  vortex ropes in waves check out