what does everyone think of WRV surfboards (wave riding vehicles)…ive ridden them several times and liked them do other people like the shapes, how are the glass jobs etc.

from what ive seen , lately , and whats around the corner , i would have to say based on there stance towards new developments , they may have to change there name to …

LRV (lawn riding vehicles)…

i will let someone else fill in the details …



I had a whole quiver shaped by Jim Fuller circa 1990 out of the WRV/US Fiberglass production house in Point Harbor, NC. Great boards then. I think if you custom order a board now, you’ll need to go to an approved ‘surf shop’ and sketch out your wants and needs on a form. You never even get to talk to whichever shaper pulls your ticket. Forget getting more detail in the glass job beyond 6/6,6, 4/4,4… I used to be right in the shaping room with Jim as he shaped my boards and drank beer with everyone involved with the production. It was great.

I think WRV still makes quite a good quality product out of their NC facilities. So, if you buy off the rack you should have a good board in your hands.

Good luck and I hear that Jim Fuller still mows foam once in while for them. He’s very good.


If your looking for a custom surfboard in the VB area try Frierson Designs. A small shop owner that prides himself on giving a customer what they want. Plus he started his career under Bob White (He founded WRV). As far glassing goes I think you get what you pay for, and for a lot a WRV boards your paying for the lam. of WRV. Good Luck Bro.

hm so do you think the glass jobs on WRV are pretty crappy? the one my friend had did have considerable browning after a couple of years and plenty of pressure dents

I grew up in vabeach, and have always liked wrv boards. The best board I ever road was a 6’3 wrv board shaped by Frierson for local John Kleintop. Picked it up at Kleintop’s garage sale many moons ago. Only one problem… the nose broke within 3 months. I started making my own boards though (partially because I’m cheap) I make some for other people, but it is more of a hobby. Austin from Austin surfboards is on this forum, and he makes some beautiful boards.


Just my opinion, but WRV boards are not that good a value, Ive had a few over the years.(Bought my first new board there back in the summer of 1980) They have very good shapers, but the emphasis is on production at the expense of quality due to Owner Les Shaw, so some of the stuff coming out of there isn’t real good anymore. Thin glassing, sandthroughs etc

In this area you have some much better options. Like Neb said, Bill Frierson is good, friendly local guy.

Scott Busbey @ in the eye in Buxton, great boards very reasonable prices. Tim Nolte in Currituck makes excellent boards and has some of the the best glassing on the East Coast and is a total perfectionist. Both of these guy do it all in house, no glasss shop to screw up orders. You can go in and talk to each of them.

If you just want a cheap board go to WRV - if you want a good board go to Nolte

just my .02

Jim N

Well said. I have been ordering custom boards from Busbey and Nolte for years. They are both excellent shapers.

I looked around VAB before I bought my first board - even submitted a “form” to WRV via their web site (they ingored it / never called). Ended up going to Frierson Designs - he was great. Answered all my questions (first time board buyer), and delivered on time / as promised. From what I can tell excellent quality & finish.

We also have a board from WRV - the original price for the triple stringer LB was over 900 bucks - got the board end of season for approx 1/2 price. It was a big board with colors/fabric that most guys would not like so it never sold (but if your wife was looking for a nice longboard…it was awsome). I’ve also seen WRV logos slapped on some boards (a square logo) in some weird spots (rounded color inlays) that just don’t “work” (in my opinion). Its holding up so far, but may not be representative of their usual production - I suspect it was a “special” board with lots of bells and whistles (cloth inlay, wood tail block, triple stringer, etc.).

I’m not sure I’d trust WRV to make a custom board for me from what I’ve seen. I’d go with a local shaper who will listen to what you want / help you making a board suitable for you & the conditions you surf in.

WRV = (less money initially) + (money repairing) + (money on new board 1-3 yrs later)

Tim Nolte = (custom board - slightly more money intially) + (little to no money repairing) + (money on new custom 6-10 yrs later)

Growing up I rode WRV because of the brand awareness.  Now I ride Nolte, and Nolte only.


  • if you want a great board go to bill frierson. i have his #133 WRV from the 70's.
  • it's a great board. lots of memories and lots of waves.
  • it's still in great shape and the color "light blue" has not faded.
  • remember "bill frierson", you won't be sorry you did!