X-tra foam blanks

Grino-is the twist noticable on the stringer? If so, maybe cut the blank there. I did just that on a five nine reshape, but I was forced to chop 4-6" off tail. Board worked fine tho! I’m not sure, but I think blanks have some tolerance? In a worse case you might be forced to shape it a bit shorter.

The only numbers that matter are in center , 12" from tips, and 24" from tips- bcuz you need it to float. The rails, and whatnot - just eye ball it.

If the stringer is off pretty bad, pop a chalk line right down the center, that way you can have a straight line to work off of when placing your template.

Yep, the bend is really noticeable Jim, but only in the last 4" or so. The rest of it is ok. After I cut it to size 2" will be left so it won’t be that bad. I’m keeping this blank to make my board and started on the good one to make my friend’s one. Could always make a 6’6" for me I suppose.

I won’t stress too much on the rail bands then. I’ll mark them out and concentrate on getting them nice and flat and equal on both sides.

The chalk line is a great idea drifter, ta very much!