Yo cleanlines

has your end of the series been filmed yet?

has your end of the series been filmed yet? The Damascus Film crew is just now getting the shaping part ready for sale.The glassing segments will be started in August.We plan on doing around five boards but it will not take as long to complete as the shaping series,they learned a lot during the shaping series and if everything goes as planned we will be able to complete the films in a lot less time.There was a lot of travel involved in the shaping part.Three trips to California hauling equpment and a 3 man film crew. We plan to set my shop up for filming and hopefully it will take a lot less time for production.This a lot of work and a labor of love. Here is some good news…Clay Bennett has agreed to help us out in the rest of the film.I am really stoked about this thing.Thanks Roger Brucker