Your Best....

I was curious to know what everyone’s best piece of surfboard ‘work’ was and how long it took for them to do it…

#1EPS with PVC deck…way too much time…lost count…and missed my sub 6lb goal…next one will be better

my next board is gonna be my best and it seems to be taking forever…ambrose…as soon as i finish this orange and water


I must say, nice work on yor board. Anyone else got their best work?

nice jatoba.

…I am only as good…

…as my weakest skill…Herb

I’m pretty critical of my own work. It would be hard to single one board out as being the best. The board in the photos is the one that gets the most attention when people look through my photo albums. platty.

Restalling my single fin! orthough I turned the board over before curring and my epoxy stuffed up, and Enamel was a pain, I’m super proud of this board, I love it, It feels like a board with no life in the back of some shop has become a new ripper, its got life, when I bout this board it had holes all through the board from a bb gun, add this to broken nose and tail also a massive chunk of foam and glass outa’ the bottom and here is the new beuty.


PS… BONUS off topic ringo photo, Why?