(((((((((((Z-BOYS AT THE BLOCK IN ORANGE,Ca.)))))))))))

Going to meet-up with some buddies at the block to watch the new dogtown movie,“Z-BOYS”,AT 1030 PM tonight,if you are in the area and have the time come join us!Herb.

This is a great film for all of us that surf/skated in the 70s.It covers the Jeff Ho surfshop,his boards,surfing P.O.P.,and the rise of the Z-BOYS from South Santa Monica better known as dogtown.It’s a little one sided in some respects,but it has some killer vintage footage…Best rollercoaster ride I’ve been on in years.Herb

Herb - I managed to score a tape of this movie and I too was impressed. Apparently it generated quite a buzz at the Sundance Film Festival. I heard that people were turned away at 6 different screenings. The people I know that have seen it, although not exactly digging the skate punk lifestyle, admired the authentic nature of the film.

I will mostly buy a copy when all the dust settles(unless you would like to provide me with one).Like I said,it was a little one sided.At the time that the Z-boys where doing it, so was a group of from Long Beach,such as Waldo Autry,Perry Vance(founder of Waldo cloud skateboards)Russ Howell,and me(to name a few) being pioneer/founder of Mid-City pools a group that traveled and lived in the L.B./Compton hoods,before it just exploded everywhere!!I still have some great shots from those days,and yeah,I did it right. The movie had some great surf footage of the cove in Venice!!!

My copy has already been stepped on a generation or two from the master so a copy would be sketchy. There is a lot in there though so watching it a second (or third) time is worthwhile.