100 foot faces !!!

Ahhh sounds wicked. The lounge webbing is a great idea…council cleanup here I come!!!


What do you use to keep them gliding?

Throw a piece of laminex on the bottom of the board and you’ll be flying.

yea laminex is a must …has to be super hard and smoothe …

you also need wax , not surfboard wax ,

candle wax works good , but floor wax is better …

you have to wax before every run …

if you do a few runs without wax , you wear your bottom , then the board becomes permanently slow …

wax before every run and the speed you get is unbelievable …plus it stays fast forever , until you use it without wax …



Excuse me for asking, but what is laminex?

Ahhh, the wonders of wax… Have you ever tried skiwax? I would imagine a hard skiwax with graphite would be good. Expensive, but good.




Excuse me for asking, but what is laminex?

Formica. Freebie offcuts are usually pretty easy to come by from the local kitchen manufacturers.

Have you ever tried a metal base Bert? Stainless is meant to give excellent results but I don’t think our dunes are big enough to warrant it. I think that the added weight would be negated by the speed you could generate on a bigger/longer run though.

I took the kids for a run on some mini dunes down the beach last night. Barring the odd faceplant they had a ball. If it’s not to hot on the weekend I think we’ll make the trek out to the real dunes. Stoked!

ski wax ? now that sounds interesting …

havent tried metal … main concern was weight , popped a few more boards out the last few days …

heres a pic , the swallow tail is my broken one , it snaped or cracked right where i did a repair to some damaged laminex , so maybe that added to its demise …

i was curious as to whether polished and waxed wood was good enough to slide on …

red dot had these cheap 19 dollar skim boards made in china , so i cut a new outline and put some straps on it , curiousity is over …

wood doesnt work … its varnished, super smoothe , waxed and polished ,just doesnt go , well it sort of goes , but not like it should …

the double ender i finished today , rode it this afternoon … nice and stable , great for doing fakies off lips and spinners , but its not that fast for its size , plus its seems a little big and heavy for airs …

we found this insane new spot today …

a massive arena with over a dozen take off spots every trail crosses another at some point till eventually theres only 3 finishing spots …

all with real soft powdery windblown sand …

one of the guys there had his wife come down and take some action shots …

he had a copy of my broken board and without a doubt his and my broken board are the fastest ones by miles , so now i just have to figure out why???

so far we both agree its the extra flex , coz theres 2 others that have the same area with almost identical outlines but are heavier with less flex and both of those are slower …plus with such a light board strapped to your feet , way more control in the air …

but to be sure i need an exact copy of my outline with different flex , then i will know for sure …

did 5 hours this afternoon in the dunes right till dark …

just running on adrenalin , i cant think of any other reason why i would be running to the top of massive dunes for hours on end …

fully addictive past-time …



Hey Bert!

Have you looked at cool sites like:

www.sandboard.com Its got a section with a Location list… sounds like west oz has some great dunes…

The reason I do the sand surfing is:

(chip here you go again) I live in the Hawksberry and only get to surf like 2-3 times a week. and I don’t have any foam but I do get alot of ply, so I can make boards (like making surfboards) and cause I lve where I do we have dunes on the Hawksberry river…

BTW: Have you tried things like Mr.Sheen etc… wonder how they work? I ask because by giving your board a quick spray it saves loads of time in waxing…

and now you’ve got me inspired… I’ll make another board tommorow… Maybe a surfboard shape with no straps but softgrip?


And have you tried Mindarie Dunes? they look SICK!!!



More: Board design

'wood doesnt work … its varnished, super smoothe , waxed and polished ,just doesnt go , well it sort of goes , but not like it should ’

I found this… dont know 'bout it though…

'Hard Wood, based boards are very common and also the least expensive. Oak, maple or other hardwoods can be used. A hard wood base also allows for a greater variety of contours to the bottom surface of the board. With a wood base you can round, concave, convex, spoon and shape the board to your hearts content. Most beach and ancient dune sand are made of finer and rounder grains of sand so they don’t cut into the wood surface as harshly. On these types of sand a wood base is certainly acceptable. ’

ok …i lost track of my snowboard when i left the mountians…but,i might have a use for a sand board…so its plywood …formica on the bottom? i have to wax it every run?..seems like wax would slow it down…but what do i know… …to bend a rocker i can get the plywood wet then hold it to that shape for a few Days right?..help me out ive never seen a wood sand board…i ve seen snow boards riding on sand but like i said i lost mine somewhere along the way…id like to make a sand board though…

so what about dimensions? Do you use half inch ply, or 3/8ths? And where do you get bindings or how do you make em?

Have… Wax doesn’t slow it down as it isn’t surf wax! Its just standard candle wax that makes the board slick… I’m trying to work on different methods as waxing every run is abit of a pain…

There is a really GREAT site that shows you how to make them… I’ll try and find it for you…

Happy Surfing…


Here are some…



and heres the BEST site…



More: Board Design…

Bert, How do you think a board like that skatey you made go? Like having a foam core with epoxy and laminex? It could be light & Flexy…{?}

or even a plastic/molded board… the thing about sandboards is the skys the limit…

hey josh …

i havent checked those links yet … been hell busy …mrs has been cracking the whip on me …

reckons i cant sandboard and surf all day and still pay the bills …

i tell her she only wastes it, if i make money anyway …

so its my way of restricting her spending …

waxing isnt that much of a drama , i usually wax while walking back up the hill …

i do want to try mr sheen as well . it should work …

i dont think a sandwich sandboard would work that well …

sometimes you hit sections of sand where a thicker board slows and bogs as the rail goes through the sand , where as the thinner boards cut through the sand better like a knife …

even tho sand hits your foot , the thinner ones dont lose as much speed when you catch an ugly chunk of sand …

i havent sandboarded for a few days now …

were getting that adventurous , that last time we went everyone came back hurt …

blood , sprains and bruises , stabbed by sticks on virgin runs , and some joint injuries from ugly landings …

i need recovery time …

we made a huge jump , that we could hit at mach speed …

we found a real fast downhill run . built the jump in such a way , that after the launch you would land on the top of another hill …

the down hill run was so fast and out of control , no one actually made it to the jump … we all had sick crashes on the way down , the only one to actually make the jump was my oldest son , he hit the jump so hard he virtually stabbed into the jump , dug a rail , cartwheeled over the jump and got a full body slamming face plant on the landing hill …

i think we will keep it going in steady increments , plus build jumps on known runs …

still fun , but gota keep it calculated fun …

once ive checked out some of those sites i will report back …



Hey Bert…

Yeah I think youre right about the sandwich construction…

I havent done a sand surf for a couple of days… Its been raining every night…

Mr. Sheen works o.k. by the looks of it, it would work…

Have Fun,


ok i looked at the sites and it seem like about what i thought…ill try it out one day thats for sure…

This is my board…

Took the kids up to Green Head, a small crayfishing town north of me, no surf, but lots of fun with the kids.

I knew I could ride the Hixell!!!

How to create that perfect speed finish!!!


scratches galore …

No, the sand was like powder, not a scratch on it…



e Hix, its fun isn’t it!


unreal !!

I see you sandboard just like you …er… "surf ", mate … *

that faceplant is your manouevre …you should patent it mate ! [thank god you didn’t do that on the cement halfpipe at the nearby skatepark eh ? old bones like ours take a LONG time to mend !]


  • sorry , mate …I couldn’t resist …[you should have had THAT as your gif avatar !]