10th board, entering full addiction mode...

10’ 17-23.25-17 wp 6 back and 3-3/8 thick. Everything but the blank was made by me with glass, resin and pigment.
Surfed it a few times now and I’m not bummed, looking to change it up a bit on the next one, flatter fatter and further back wide point. Probably up the belly and add a d fin.

Looks very nice. lotta foam and many chances to mess up. You seem more of the dealer than addict in my opinion.

Maybe i’m Just getting high on my own supply! Ha! Longboards are no joke, like shaping and glassing two shortboards at the same time!

The board looks really good. Good outline, good rocker, good foil. That should be a pretty versatile board in smaller conditions.

Going pure-pig on your next one will result in less versatility, but then again that’s what quivers are for.

Thank you! Surfed it in knee to shoulder and peaky to lined up. Pretty fun. In my area surfing an old pig before making one is next to impossible. I would imagine smaller waves and more pearling. I really want to get that super tight drop knee pivot going on though! Quiver is not a problem. Girlfriend understands the subtle nuances of different boards!

“I really want to get that super tight drop knee pivot going on” — +tail rocker, +belly through tail, maybe a more vertical style fin(?) Your board looks very professional - great as a general purpose daily rider. Really nice work on that!

Edit: On second take, I’d say just a more vertical fin would the first thing to change for super tight pivots.

Nice work!
Did you say you glassed them as well?
If so, wow!
It usually takes a “few” more boards under your belt to achieve a level of confidence.
BTW, I love Da Cat fin…

^^^ Wut he said. D-fins are more suited to going straight. Being stable while you’re up on the nose.

I have quite a bit of fiberglass experience in my day job, I usually work the other way around though…smooth inside a mold glass outside. My glass jobs are not perfect but, by no means terrible. Getting the hang of kicking poly and wrapping laps seams to be the most difficult. I’m generally working 6oz or heavier. I like a chunky board!

I run a 10" rainbow pivot on my 9-8 bing noserider. I can get a decent turn out of it but actually prefer the turn on this board with a 10.25 da’cat? Granted this board doesn’t turn anywhere but from the tail and you have to push it. I also feel Pivot fins really lack that high line trim speed, that could be all in my head though, I don’t know.

I do know. It’s all in your head.
