#11 Progress (Photo Heavy)


70 x 10.6 x 18.3 x 14.5 x 2

Bennett foam

Another chip for me but ventured with a different outline. Nose even more pulled in and wide point further back, more hip and a small swallow. Not sure yet, but I may jump on the quad band wagon with this one. But it’s pretty thin I may have to go with glass-ons.

The deck view looks like a 7’ lazor zap! Cool stuff. You’re getting the shaping thing down aren’t you! Looks like a good quad outline to me.

Very cool Bud! I enjoy the progress and evolution of your boards. Nice work!


jumped on the bandwagaon today.

…wondering how the walls are always clean!

do you sand outside?

shop vac hose + planer, some shop vac’ing during & after foam work, then for fiberglass sanding I staple plastic sheeting to control dust as much as possible.

then I vac up pretty thoroughly after each board, probably about 30-45 minutes


shop vac hose + planer, some shop vac’ing during & after foam work, then for fiberglass sanding I staple plastic sheeting to control dust as much as possible. then I vac up pretty thoroughly after each board, probably about 30-45 minutes

Mahalo Bud!

It’s a much more thoughtful approach for alot of things and people around you than 95% fo the folks here making boards who enjoy making all the rubbish…

It’s not just because of the wife though is it you mentioned it before when you were in the garage…

Cause I imagine its the kids, the house and the neighborhood…

Sounds like you might have interior drywalling experience…



It’s not just because of the wife though is it you mentioned it before when you were in the garage…

Cause I imagine its the kids, the house and the neighborhood…

exactly all that - small keeds, a great wife and the coolest neighbors too. I do not want to jeopardize any of it. I know they all accomodate some irritations in light of my obsession, so i do my best to avoid bothering neighbors or overlapping into ‘family time’ too much. fortunate to be self employed, most times it cuts into a bit of work time more than anything else, most times I do plane & glass during late morning workdays…

PLUS, I’m kind of anal, and my space is so tiny that can’t be tripping over trash etc. AND since I’m glassing in the same tiny room I have to control dust


Sounds like you might have interior drywalling experience…

familiar with residential drywall work but no real hands-on experience.


Nice Bud! As usual it is looking very clean and functional. I hope you like the quad. I’ve found that you can really change the personality of the board by playing with the fins. Don’t worry if it is too sticky or loose it’s a pretty quick fix to put a smaller or larger fin on.

I just finished a 6’1" round pin quad thats similar to what you’ve been making. I’ll take some pictures soon. I’ve found that it’s better to seal the eps first before I over fondle the board. The eps is like a dirt magnate.

stoked on my tight lamination yesterday morning and slapped on a decent (backyard scale) hotcoat this morning. maybe have time to sand it tomorrow eve

thanks DMP, I’m looking forward to getting this in the water, maybe Wendesday. the board is pretty much DONE!


really cool looking board!

Is that the shadow of the fin boxes showing on the second photo? How thick is that tail? Will there be any strenght issues with so minimal foam for the fins?

Thanks for showing off your beautifull work! And only #11 it makes me hopfull for my next projekts…


Nice! The board looks like a missle. I’m liking the tight tailed quads. You’re going to trip out on how well they work in the barrel. They’re calling for surf on Wed. You might have to do do a sand job tomorrow and a 4:30 a.m. drive to Velzyland with no one out because of the landslide.

#12 just got a deck spray job and a bottom lamination. I should try something a bit different and take some pictures of the in between stage. I’m jealous that your almost done.


Is that the shadow of the fin boxes showing on the second photo? How thick is that tail? Will there be any strenght issues with so minimal foam for the fins?

yes those are the boxes showing through, just a hair under the deck. strength issues? along with my typical noob too thin hotcoat and oversanding, this one is super light but I am afraid it probably won’t hold up well/very long.

Nice! The board looks like a missle. I'm liking the tight tailed quads. You're going to trip out on how well they work in the barrel. They're calling for surf on Wed. You might have to do do a sand job tomorrow and a 4:30 a.m. drive to Velzyland with no one out because of the landslide.

#12 just got a deck spray job and a bottom lamination. I should try something a bit different and take some pictures of the in between stage. I’m jealous that your almost done.

thanks DMP, looking forward to giving it a spin in the next day or two. actually I was done 'cept I had a lil slip with the Milwaukee, so tonight will be patching a small sand-thru… arrrrg…

lets see some more pics of your work

#11 ?!?!?!?

lookin’ good Bud.

yours are always inspiration!

thanks for sharing!

i’m interested to hear how the pushed back wide spot feels.

Hi Bud, I like where the wide point appears to be on that board. Looks like it’ll whip in the pocket nicely!! Do you have fins? If not contact Chris out towards sandy’s. He’s usually got a good assortment and should have boxes as well. Thanks Jim

Lokbox in hawaii

Chris 808-351-7427

I like where the widest point seems to be as well. Closer to the back foot than a lot of other boards.

Nice shape bro…Do you do all the sanding yourself?? It looks pretty good. Cheers


Nice shape bro…Do you do all the sanding yourself?? It looks pretty good. Cheers

yes but had a slip last eve and 2 small sand throughs! if I can get them patched by tonight I’ll surf it tomorrow. here she is with some custom lokbox fins to try out courtesy Bammbamm808