
I’d like to shape an 11’er. Can I get a 19.5"x23.5"x16" out of a clark 11’3"? How does this look to ya’ll? Looking at -3/4"N +1-1/2"T last 36" rocker adjustment for a noserider (natural is 5 19/32N 3 3/32T). maybe that’s too much tail adjustment? 3/8 tear drop concave in a couple feet of the nose (or is that unnessesary on an 11’er?) and v subtle throughout to strong in the tail. 50/50 rails, up at the tail. Width about 8"-10" fwd of center, wedge 1/4 stringers. BTW, how do you order a wedge stringer? I want it to be over an inch of foam where i’ll place the fin box so I dont have to put the box in in a thick stringer, although I’d love to have a super thick stringer I dont think i’m ready to shape one. Anyway, would I ask for “a wedge spaced 2” at the tail"? Looking for terminology on that one. thanks for comments,answers and suggestions. JR

JR - I’ve found that extra tail rocker, while aiding late take offs and nose riding, slows the board down when squirting around sections on the flats. The other dimensions sound good except for the wide point forward. For easy turns and cutbacks (not easy anyway on an 11 footer) you might consider wide point in the middle or even back a little. If you maintain some thickness and keep it fairly flat, a nose of that width should be OK. I’m thinking of an all around kind of board in California general conditions. Wedge stringers are pretty common - any blank retailer will know what to do if they don’t have it in stock.