13'4" Home Depot EPS

Here’s pictures of a 13’4" EPS board that my dad just finished shaping. It will be glassed with 7.5 oz. volan and RR epoxy. Watch out!

Sweet holy mother of God… 13’4" is one dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm long board. Whatever for? How is anyone gonna turn it (very gradually of course!). Boards that big don’t turn, they sorta veer. I 'spect it’s for a stand up paddle operation…?

Nice looking as a shaped blank, be sure to post when it’s done… a shot of you or your dad standing up next to it, board on end as well.

Looks nice, but it’s missing the dagger board and mast.

What’s the measurements on that boat ;-))… looks awesome…

Word of advice, your shed’s too clean…

looks awesome. big old hatchet single fin glassed in right on the tail i hope.

assuming that this was a special order through HD, as I have yet to find any of their EPS/XPS longer than the 8’ panels. how much did the foam cost if you don’t mind me asking?


Word of advice, your shed’s too clean…

Hahaha…try telling that to my mom

It was about $100 for all the foam and glue for the blank. They were just 8ft. panels cut into 8in. strips and glued up vertically instead of horizontal and then the rocker was cut in with a band saw. This way there would be glue lines parallel to the stringer every 1.5 inches which increases the strenght alot

If your dad can do a full rail roundhouse cutback on that sucka…he’s the man!

what did he use for a stringer? we are considering a slightly smaller vessel.

align your thinking

dad is not 5’2’’ tall

this board is a mini

mal for a pba star


this is for shoulder hopping Tom Bloke

AC- My thinking is well aligned. This is a perfect board for a small wave hell-man.

Planting lemon cukes today.


I 'm sure you and your Dad will LOVE your loooong board.

Talking about long boards… I just finished mine - 11’6", 22", 3 1/2" thick, 25#, also out of HD EPS.

I glued mine horizontally (2" and 1 1/2") with 1/4" redwood benderboard perimiter stringers.

Surfed it today. Small 3’ waves and caught almost everything. There was only one other guy out, a friend, so no hogging! Ha!

Slight belly, nose to tail, with significant ‘V’ in tail makes it turn pretty easy from anywhere on the board. And…I was surprised, I was able to get onto the nose (a foot away!). Probably because 3/4 of the rear of the board was covered with water! Ha!

Have fun on yours!


the stringer is 1/8" doorskin laminated together into a 1/4" strip.

You make nice lines.

You too, Les.

Not often I can crack these off, but…

Where’s the CF number?

How do you stop the coasties from landing their helicopters on the nose?

What’s the daily rate during salmon season?


Have fun :slight_smile:

Finished board, all 13’4’’ of it!

Nice board! Makes my 9’6 look like a fish. I’m sure you guys will have fun - you could even tandem with your dad. Just curious on how you intend to transport that to the beach (or launch ramp). The roof racks on my SUV are spaced at around 4 ft max. that would leave about 6ft of overhang forward and back assuming centered. I guess you’ll be tying a red flag to the back of that thing. Enjoy!

Where’s the vent? My HD 12 footer ‘exhales’ quite a bit every time I unscrew it.

I really like your board, great job! I ocasionally surf a 12 foot Hynson red fin pin tail at the Cliffs cross country style. I was wondering if you would be interested in making another blank like that? If not maybe you could give me more information on your project (alot of information). I’m curious on how much the board weighs now that its finished? My 12 footer is 29 pounds but it has heavy wood and double 8 single 8 w/deck patch. Home Depot sells strips of foam like that? I have a band saw and make surfboard fins for local and non local board shapers=I have done some shaping but have had plans for a monster board for sometime. I wouldnt be shaping it a friend of mine would…Hope you will get back to me. Please send any photo’s of the finished board to my email address. danielpartch@sbcglobal.net once again nice job! Daniel