am looking into getting into filming and want to start with a 16mm cam. anybody out there that can help me out on this??? ANY info would be great. maybe even an email to someone that would know!?!?! thanks. Josh
Don’t start out with 16mm Film is WAAAAAY expensive and you’ll go through a ton of it (also 16mm cameras are big bucks.) Start out on DV then once you have the hand for shooting, move to 16mm. You’ll be better off/save alot of money this way.
by DV im guessing that you mean digital video??? any info on what would be good/bad in that area???
Yep, I mean digital video. As far as whats good and bad, that would depend on how much money you want to spend on a camera. I own a Canon GL2 and love it to death, probably more than my 16mm. Its alot easier going all digital as far as editing etc. Editing digital can be done these days on your home computer (provided it has plenty of ram and hard drive space.) reasonably well with almost pro level software.