Just came into possession of what appears to be an early 1960’s Hansen 9’11" board. I cannot locate any identifying marks or numbers on the deck stringer or tail block. Will be posting pictures of the board and tail block shortly. The board is going to stay in my possession since Don Hansen had alot of influence on the Galveston surf culture I was introduced into, but I would like to try and pin down a time frame and possible shaper.
Without any photos it’s basically pointless to even make this post. Put up some pics. Be sure to include clear shots of the fin, nose, tail, outline, etc.
Based om your photo’s, I suspect that your board was made in 1964. The outline is a ‘‘standard’’ board of the day. Before models became all the rage. Tailblock size and style, as well as stringer, are clues. A board number would be very helpful. As to who shaped it, there’s no way to know for sure.
I believe you spoke about the fin styles before? This one has the red core with black exterior. I once had a Hansen with the black core with white sides. Can you date a Hansen by the fin colors?