I picked up a 7’3" stringerless Vardeman today. It came with the fin. Four small dings plus the nose/tail need fixing and it’s water ready. Maybe 4 pressure dents on the deck. Any idea of a more approximate year? Roughly any worth? Any stories/history about Vardeman? Also, I know this type of fin box has been on sways before but I can’t remember what post that was so if you can provide the brand of fin/box, that would be great. Thanks.
My plans, fix up the dings and make a new fin for that box.
Everybody was giving stringerless a whirl back then. Gordon and Smith to backyarders. There was no “Surfboard Specific” fiberglass cloth yet. We went from double 10 oz. to a single 7.5 Volan. I don’t really remember much talk about “flex” when it came to 7–8’ boards. They weren’t stepdeck noseriders. I think it was an attempt to lighten up boards. Saw a lot of “Gluelines” too. I’m sure that improvements in Blanks-Resin-Cloth started to get a handle on the “Strength to Weight” ratio. I think the number of snaps brought the Industry full circle and back to stringers. San Diego was a hot bed for all of it 1967 thru 1970.