1st Board--How'd it Ride?

I’m taking my first shape out for its first session this weekend, expecting something between a total dog and a not so total dog (leaning toward the former, hoping toward the latter). How about all you guys/gals…how’d your first board ride? Truimphs? Tragedies? Somewhere in between? All thoughts welcome.

I’ve never built a board, but I did build a beautiful 18’ rowing wherry. On it’s maiden voyage (this is after 4 or 5 years of on and off building), it would only row in big circles. I was freaked, disappointed, pissed, disbelieving - all that. I waited a month, and it fixed itself. A wonderful boat. If your board is wierd at first, maybe it just needs a little time to fix itself.

I’m taking my first shape out for its first session this weekend, > expecting something between a total dog and a not so total dog (leaning > toward the former, hoping toward the latter). How about all you > guys/gals…how’d your first board ride? Truimphs? Tragedies? Somewhere in > between? All thoughts welcome. I built a longboard for my first board thinking that how much I ever screwd up it would still be rideable. I was right. Although it has it flaws, both in design and apperance I really like it. First day I took it out in a less the perfect beachbreak I was slightly dissapointed. After I took it out in an increadlibly small but nicely pealing pointbreak it really came to life. If you don’t like it at first, don’t give it up. Maybe you just have to find the conditions it’s good in or get used to it. Good luck. regards, Håvard

I’m taking my first shape out for its first session this weekend, > expecting something between a total dog and a not so total dog (leaning > toward the former, hoping toward the latter). How about all you > guys/gals…how’d your first board ride? Truimphs? Tragedies? Somewhere in > between? All thoughts welcome. I built my first board about 2 years ago, 9’. I was suprised and happy how well it performed. It’s still my favorite board and the board I ride almost exclusively. It has its flaws it the glassing but that only effects its looks and as we say here in South Jersey “you’ll never see it from the boardwalk.”

Like many of you, my first board was a longboard (9’8). I got into it because I didn’t want to shell out 500 bones for a new stick (instead I spent 1400 on tools and stuff to build one myself…duh). Anyway, even though it was ugly (glassing left much to be desired) I took it out for maiden voyage in 2 ft clean waves in Jax Beach and caught the first wave I went for…rode to the beach and stepped of on the sand. I was stoked!! I still ride this board often and am always stoked that I am paddling something that I made in my garage. Even if your first boards performance is less than you hoped for, give it some time. Even today I feel like I ride better on my own productions than anything I bought at the shop…maybe the stoke factor…maybe just in my head. Anyways, I am having a blast…isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?

First board was also a longboard. I didn’t like the look of a wide tail, so i really pulled it in to about 11.5" or so. The board is roughly 9’6"ish. Let me tell you this baby rides GOOOOOOOD!!! Through no ability of my, own I was able to craft a board that should not be ridden in the conditions that I surf in…sometimes big steep beachbreak. My board, because of the narrow tail and increased rocker seems to fit into them really well for a board of it’s size. Mind you it is not a gun, it is 23.5" wide and HEAVY!! Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you find that you have natural ability. In my case I feel it is a bit of both. Don’t mean to brag, but my board handles the local conditions much better than a lot of the $900 plus “custom” longboards…yeah you know the ones.

I’m taking my first shape out for its first session this weekend, > expecting something between a total dog and a not so total dog (leaning > toward the former, hoping toward the latter). How about all you > guys/gals…how’d your first board ride? Truimphs? Tragedies? Somewhere in > between? All thoughts welcome. First board was a kneeboard I built to handle the point at the “Lane” (fast,steep walls) I had just had my “El Paipo” kneeboard trashed on the rocks (pre-leash days)and decided to build one similar, but narrower for the vertical walls past the cliff. I shaped the board out of an old beat up longboard I had. Well, it was strange. Narrow (17"), round pin, single fin, no tail rocker, extreme nose locker, dished deck and a lease attached to the nose via a small eyebolt thru the old stringer! (talk about a tooth remover!) It actually handled the point pretty good as long as the waves were fast and hollow but as I made it to the shoulder or mushed out on the bottom the board would stop plaining and just plow to the point where I would get pitched over the nose. Bummer.

I still ride my first shape all the time, it looks a tiny bit lumpy, it rides great. I thought that maybe I had a biased opinion as it my own creation. I have let others try it…also stoked. Think positive.

I’m taking my first shape out for its first session this weekend, > expecting something between a total dog and a not so total dog (leaning > toward the former, hoping toward the latter). How about all you > guys/gals…how’d your first board ride? Truimphs? Tragedies? Somewhere in > between? All thoughts welcome. I was out 20+ times on my first built longboard. Loved it. Then a few weeks ago I broke the stringer and caused a major delamination on a big close-out (I’m not very good, but have a blast trying!) I posted a question on Swaylock’s on how to fix it. Many laughed. I did get some good info and I just could not give up on it. I am almost done with a major rehaul of the board. I probably could have built an entire new board for the time I have put into saving old #1. The board weighs a couple extra pounds but I cannot wait to get it back out there. I just hope it doesn’t break in two and bonk me in the face on the paddle out!

myfirst board rode better than my 2nd 3rd or 4th. i actually sold it for 200$!!! on a used board rack. it was a 6’10 squash. kinda wish i held on to it but i like that idea someone out there hopefully scored some good waves on it, but i kinda wish i’d kept it. hang on to your #1.