im currently shaping a 7’2 egg, and looking to make it a 2+1 with a 10in box and 2 proboxes. a little confused on the fin layout and was hoping to get some insight on how far up to set the box and bites, i was thinking 3.5 in up from the tail, kinda stuck on the sidebites. thanks for any info, much appreciated!
I’ve put my longbox at 3.5" to 4" from the tail and the sidebites about 12" to 12.5" to the trailing edge of the sidebites. This allows me to use a small center fin and give the board a thruster setup. The proboxes give you some fore and aft movement, so you can play with the actual location a bit. I like to go with minimal toe, maybe 3/16" down to 1/8" for 2 + 1.
I’ll also put the biggest center fin I want to use, like a 9" Greenough, in the box and look at it on the board. If it can’t get far enough forward, I’ll move the box to where I want the fin at the furthest forward spot. I modified small center fins to extend back some to get them about 3.5" to 4" from the tail when the box is a bit further in.
thanks for the replies…havent set them yet but got everything marked out and looks really good. box marked at 4.5 with sidebite trailing edge at 12" with 1/8 toe in…love the options of the proboxes. much appreciated!
Barry brings up a good point re: tail thickness and how far back you can install a full size box. Sharkcountry has a good remedy. Here is a pic of what might do the trick if you want the center fin farther back… it can be adjusted to hang past the end of the box.